- orthotropie steel deck 正交异性钢桥面板
- The related information can serve as references of domestic repairing technology for steel deck plate paving. 相关的资料可以为我国的钢桥面铺装维修技术提供参考。
- Asphalt mortar pad plays an important role in steel deck pavement system with double-layer SMA. 沥青砂胶缓冲层在双层SMA钢桥面铺装体系中起着重要的作用。
- The load carrying capacities of steel deck concrete composite slabs are governed by the longitudinal shear strength. 压型钢板-混凝土组合楼板的承载能力受楼板叠合面的纵向抗剪能力控制。
- A comparison of steel deck weights indicates that the cable-stayed bridge again fills the void between the continuous girder and suspension bridges. 以上钢桥面重量的比较指出,斜拉桥介于连续梁和悬索桥之间。
- Dear sirs, Please quote CIF CALLAO, Peru a Roll Forming machine to produce steel deck, for the building industry. Regards, ... 查看“机械及工业制品-铸造和锻压”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- Finally, the dissertation searchs after design parameters,considering overweight transportation, of steel deck pavement . 最后,论文对考虑超限运输的钢桥面铺装设计参数进行了初探。
- Besides,the simulation model of steel deck pavement of the Tianjin Xiangluo Bay Bascule Bridge under vehicle load is established. 分析结果表明,以不同力学响应为铺装层力学控制指标时,采用的仿真模型也不同;
- In China, many steel deck pavements have the experiences of cracks during using, and some of them had to be rebuilt because of severe distresses. 钢桥面铺装层作为一个功能层,必须具有足够的强度和良好的整体性,并应具有足够的抗裂、抗冲击、耐磨性能。
- For deceasing load and increasing the span, the orthotropic steel deck is generally applied for the long span steel bridge. 为了减小桥梁自重和增大跨径,大多数钢桥的桥面板一般采用正交异性钢桥面板。
- The comparisons of dynamic properties between the elaborate model and simplified model validate the effectiveness of the FE simplified simulations of the orthotropic steel deck. 与精细模型的动力特性对比表明,该模型可作为结构损伤预警与损伤识别分析的有限元模型。
- In this paper,the methods for construction implementation and quality management of the steel deck surfacing of Runyang Changjiang River Highway Bridge are presented. 介绍润扬长江公路大桥钢桥面铺装工程及质量管理办法,采用的质量控制体系保证了大桥铺装工程质量,可作为今后同类工程施工的重要参考。
- The performances of the gussasphalt are fine, such as water proof, fatigue resistance and bonding with steel deck.Naturally, it is a kind of ideal steel deck surfacing material. 摘要浇注式沥青混凝土具有优良的防水、抗老化性能,抗疲劳性能以及对钢桥面板优良的随从性,是一种理想的钢桥面铺装材料。
- The orthotropic steel deck with thin asphalt pavement have been used popularly to long-span bridges in order to reduce dead load and improve the span length. 大跨径钢桥大多采用正交异性钢桥面板和薄层沥青铺装的钢桥面铺装结构,大大的减轻了结构自重,从而,提高了桥梁的跨越能力。
- orthotropie steel bridge deck 正交异性钢桥面板
- In competition with the orthotropic steel deck adopted in the Fleher Bridge, Leonard, the famous pioneer of modern reinforced concrete technology, designed a composite concrete deck which is very similar in section to that particular steel one. 与弗莱尔大桥所用的正交各向异性钢梁相媲美,现代钢筋混凝土技术的著名先驱里奥哈特设计出了截面与之类似的组合混凝土梁。
- The FE simulation method of the orthotropic steel deck is discussed, on the basis of which the simplified FE model is established for the purpose of structural damage alarming and identification. 探讨了正交异性桥面系的有限元模拟方法,并以损伤预警与损伤识别为目标建立了简化有限元模型。
- The optimized results have shown that the mechanical demands of the orthotropic steel deck stiffened plate are more easily met with larger span of cross beam and thicker top plate and U-stiffeners. 优化结果表明:适当增加横隔板间距、加大顶板和U肋厚度能更有效地满足结构受力和局部稳定要求。
- Combining with theoretical analysis and laboratory tests,flexure characters of epoxy asphalt surfacing on steel decks are investigated. 采用理论分析与室内试验相结合的方式,研究了环氧沥青混凝土钢桥面铺装的弯曲特性。
- As a general purpose finishing coat, interior and exterior on steel decks, stairways, catwalks, etc. In mildly to moderately corrosive environment. 可作为通用面漆涂在轻微至中等污染环境中的钢甲板、舷梯、船桥等结构的内外表面。