- original rites and music 原始礼乐
- The system of rites and music reinforced and stabilized this strict patriarchal clan hierarchy. 礼乐制度,正是对于这个严密的宗法等级网的强调和固定。
- Every person of each grade in the hierarchy enjoyed the type of rites and music assigned to his particular grade. 某一等级的人,才能目享用这一等级的礼乐。
- The thoughts of using rites and music to educate people received plenty of explanation among works of later Confucian scholars. 礼乐教化思想在后世儒家学说中得到了充分的表述。
- In the meantime, the prevalence of Han rite and music played an important part in this art style. 同时,汉代礼乐的盛行,对汉画像石艺术的发展起到了积极的推动作用。
- The New Tang annals: History of Rites and Music recorded that when the Tang Dynasty was at its pinnacle, the number of the Jiyue performers had been tens of thousands. 《新唐书·礼乐志》载:唐朝盛时,乐工舞伎总数竟有数万人。
- The rite and music system of the Zhou Dynasty was thus founded on the heritage of the preceding systems of the Xia and Shang dynasties. 因袭夏、商的礼仪乐制,建立了周王朝的礼乐制度。
- The historical evolution of rites and music is showed the changes of the sacrificial vessel exteriorly, which contains abundant connotation of the norm of etiquette. 礼乐制度的历史变革外在体现为礼器的变化。礼器体制的沿革蕴含着丰富的礼制内涵。
- Except for the mental denunciation of the benefit, people should be equipped with rites and music, which is the effective way to achieve moral education. 除了在精神上戒除利欲,还要在生活中以礼乐进行教化,礼乐是德育的有效途径。
- Songs of the South and the Rites and Music 论楚辞与礼乐文化
- aesthetics in ceremonial rites and music 礼乐美学
- reconstruct system of rites and music 礼乐重构
- He is interested in mystic rites and ceremonies. 他对神秘的仪式感兴趣。
- On the Practicality Of the System of Rite and Music 论礼乐制度的实践本性
- I don't know much about the rites and customs of the church. 我不太了解这个教会的惯例和习俗。
- They engaged in the Taoist sacrificial rites and regimen practices. 他们从事斋醮活动,从事道教养生实践。
- The ways of the Templar are steeped in ancient rites and rituals. 圣堂武士践行着祖先的习俗。
- This has a story set to words and music. 歌剧是配有歌词和乐曲的故事。
- An exuberant synthesis of animation and music. 动画与音乐的完美组合。
- She has an appreciation of art and music. 她对于美术和音乐有了解。