- original work of Marxism 马列原著
- Your original work of the hotel with foreign businessmen? 你愿意到船上工作吗?
- The improvement of the accuracy of the wavelet based evolutionary spectrum estimation is discussed, which is based on the original work of Priestley. 在Priestley提出的基于小波分析进化谱理论基础上 ;对改进进化谱估计的性能进行了研究 .
- Every piece of artwork submitted must be the original work of the entrant who should ensure there is no infringement of the rights (including copyright) of others. 参赛作品必须为参赛者本人的原创作品,并无侵犯他人的权益(包括版权)。
- In order to produce successful original work, scholars and scientists must first study the successful work of others to learn what contributions remain to be made. 为了产生成功的作品,学者和科学家必须首先学习其他人的成功作品,进而知道还有哪些成就是没有做的。
- It is difficult to make a living by trading in original works of art. 专做艺术原作的生意而谋生是很难的。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- It's difficult to make a living by trading in original works of art. 靠出售艺术原作谋生是很困难的。
- We adhere to the principle stand of marxism. 我们坚持马克思主义思想原则。
- He undid most of the good work of his predecessor. 他把前任的大部分业绩毁掉了。
- The damage to the painting was the work of vandal. 毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的人干的。
- The essence of Marxism is seeking truth from facts. 实事求是是马克思主义的精髓。
- It was abridged from the original work. 这是原书的节录本。
- The proletariat must possess the truth of Marxism. 无产阶级必须掌握马克思主义的真理。
- This survey is the work of a real professional. 这份调查是真正内行人做的。
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件艺术品按任何人的标准都是第一流的。
- OPL.2.1.2.For the construction of the robots, any robot kit or building block may be used as long as the design and construction are primarily and substantially the original work of the team. 在搭建机器人时,只有当商业机器人套装或者模块只是队伍的原创工作中最次要部分的时候,它们才能被使用。
- The damage to the painting is the work of vandals. 毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的人干的。
- We must adhere to the basic theory of Marxism. 我们一定要坚持马克思主义的基本理论。
- Daputang Gallery deals with original works of Qi Baishi, Qi Ziru, Cheng Dapu and dozens of signatory artists. 大朴堂画廊经营齐白石、齐子如、陈大朴以及数十位签约画家的原创作品;