- original water right distribution 水权初始分配
- Application of Fuzzy Decision and Analytical Hierarchy Process in Original Water Right Distribution 模糊决策和层次分析法在水权初始分配中的应用
- original water right 初始水权
- A fine spray skims from the water right across the esplanade. 一朵浪花正好打在海滨草场上。
- Coupled on a bowl of Miantang freebee store, the soup of the original water. 再配上一碗店里奉送的面汤,原汤化原食。
- original water rights 初始水权
- It is found that the surface temperature of the billets fluctuates drastically under the conditions of original water distribution. 优化配水后的工业试验结果表明,通过凝固模型计算优化后的二冷配水可以降低中心碳偏析,提高连铸坯低倍质量。
- So the solution is to seek cooperation of agriculture, valley, peasant, and assort with perfect and normative water right market. 因此解决的思路在于从农业、流域、农民的全方位合作入手,配合完善和规范的水权水市场,以求达到一种和谐的农业灌溉用水局面。
- The article analysis the legislation actuality and gives some suggestions on Water Right System. 本文试图通过分析我国水权制度立法现状,并就进一步完善我国水权制度的立法提出了若干建议。
- If the original water has bad quality or customer need superior-grade water, JRO Reverse Osmosis can connect the hydronium-exchange equipments to ensure the water quality. 如原水水质较差或用水要求很高,JRO反渗透还可串联离子交换设备,以保证各种用水要求。
- Modes of water right trading of water bank in California of USA is briefly introduced. 简介美国加州“水银行”的水权交易模式。
- These water rights were also spelled out in writing. 这些用水权也用文字予以阐明。
- Its countermeasureincludes dilution of reflux, control of PH value, control of nutritional salt concentration and preaeration of original water and more, separately. 所采取的措施分别有:终水回流稀释、PH值控制、营养盐浓度控制、原水预曝气等。
- The ancient farmers guarded their water rights jealously. 古代农民极其小心翼翼地保护他们的用水权。
- In excavating the foundation pit of Shanghai Science and Technology Building,the unloading plan for original water conduit of Shanghai water providing system was adopted. 在上海科技城基坑开挖中,对上海市供水原水管渠采用卸载方案保护。
- Initial allocation of water rights is a complex system engineering. 摘要水权初始分配问题属于系统科学范畴,是一项复杂的系统工程。
- But the theory and practice is scanty, especial in legislation on Water Right System. 但目前我国与水权相关的理论研究与实践才刚刚起步,有关水权制度的立法更是薄弱,亟待完善。
- Based on the investigation of the original water quality, the purification process is pertinently designed, and then the requirements of the water supply are obtained as well. 在调查分析原水水质的基础上,有针对性地设计净水工艺流程,达到供水要求。
- Part IV devises a basic framework of water rights transaction. 第四部分,设计了一个水权交易的基本框架。
- Seasonal distribution of the organism,especially of algae,filamentous fungi in original water and industrial water of thoshan Steel Company was studied in this paper. 对宝钢水库(原水)与配水池(工业水)中的生物本底,特别是藻类及丝状真菌的季节性分布作了初步研究。