- original shape urbanization 原生型城市化
- We should keep some of its original shape. 要保持它原来的一点点形态。
- Easily resuming original shape after being stretched or expanded; flexible. 柔韧的,有弹性的伸长或扩展后容易恢复原状的; 柔韧的
- It will be some time before it returns to its original shape. 到它恢复到原来的形状为止,是要花上一些时间的。
- Then the macronucleus restored its original shape, band-like form. 小核分裂先于大核,在两仔虫口纤毛器即将分开时完成;
- Recite and write a noun or a verb in original shape. 背诵并写出一个名词或动词的原形.
- Their interpretation of the original shape of the sand body is suspect. 他们对砂岩体原始形态的解释是靠不住的。
- Compressed mattresses regain their original shape after 3-4 nights of usage. 压缩包装的床垫可在使用3-4日后回复原状。
- Jiraiya breaths air and returns the burned form to its original shape. 从影子中出现了的自来也吸着空气,还原了流畅的形态。
- Which Shun Yi family does Internet bar have to cruelly kill an original shape? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>地区>北京>顺义区>顺义哪家网吧有虐杀原形?
- An elastic body tends to return to its original shape and size as soon as the deformating force is removed. 弹性物体一旦使之形变的力撤去,趋向于回到原来的形状和大小。
- These cells destroy bone, trimming off rough edges, helping sculpture the bone back to its original shape. 这些细胞破坏骨胳,修去骨胳上的粗糙的边,帮助雕塑骨胳,恢复原状。
- Deformed elasticity: if the applied forces are removed the spring returns to its original shape. 弹性形变即如果将所施力撤去,弹簧可回复到原先的形状的形变。
- Elastic recovery means that when the applied load is released, the piece returns to its original shape. 弹性回复是指当样品所受应力撤销后,其完全回复到初始形状的现象。
- An elastic device, such as a coil of wire, that regains its original shape after being compressed or extended. 弹簧发条弹性装置受挤压和扩张后仍能恢复原来的位置,如线圈。
- Drag the duplicate copy into a position where it mirrors the original shape, picture, or object. 将重制副本拖动到用于镜像原始形状、图片或对象的位置。
- EPS is often designed with ribs that will compress on impact and return to its original shape. eps 经常被设计带有肋条,这样的肋条在碰撞时会压缩然后恢复至它原始的形状。
- The Label controls may be added to the form in a different order than the original Shape controls. 可以采用与原始Shape控件不同的顺序将Label控件添加到窗体。
- It may then be bent or crumpled, but on reheating, will violently untwist, reforming its original shape. 随后它可能被弯折成其它形状,但一旦再次加热,就会迅速地自动恢复成最初的圆圈状。
- Yang Zhiyuan rolls out poisonous bolus to plan now, buy to Microsoft undertake snipe, was hit original shape. 杨致远现在推出毒丸计划,对微软收购进行狙击,就被打回了原形。