- The most original observation from his lips fell unheard on their ears. 出自他嘴的最为独到的意见,她们都充耳不闻。
- Because of many reasons in the course of straightness error measuring, many original observed data deviate from actual value and are difficult to process. 由于在直线度误差测量过程中的各种原因,导致许多观测数据与实际值偏离或者很难进行处理。
- Via the stepwise discrimnant analysis, crown dieback is found to be the most important variable.If one wants to keep the hit rat over 90%, one can use 6 original observed variables. 使用逐步鑑别分析,发现树冠梢枯为最重要的变数,而将调查变数缩减为6个仍保有90%25以上的击中率。
- The property revert to its original owner in1998. 财产于1998年将归还原所有人。
- Is that painting an original or a reproduction? 那幅画是原作还是复制品?
- Is this the original drawing or is it a copy? 这是原画还是模本?
- The original picture is in the British Museum. 这幅画的原作在大英博物馆内。
- This painting is a copy; the original is in Madrid. 这幅画是复制品,原作在马德里。
- Do you still stand on your original story? 你还坚持你原来的说法吗?
- His paintings are highly original. 他的作品很独特。
- The original owner of the house moved out. 房子原先的主人搬出去了。
- He keeps the original receipt for reference. 他保留正本(原始的)收据以便参考。
- Critics praised the work as highly original. 评论家们称赞该作品独树一帜。
- He was pleasanter than original sin. 你要比原罪更令人愉快一些。
- Let's compare the translation with the original. 让我们把译文和原文比较一下。
- The illness is organic in origin. 该病起初是器质性疾患。
- Its origin is wrapped in mystery. 它的起源仍是个未解的谜。
- He is a bold thinker, with lots of original ideas. 他是个敢于思考的人,富有创新观点。
- I prefer your original plan to this one. 我认为你原来的计画比这个好。
- He can read Shakespeare in the original. 他能读莎士比亚作品的原文。