- Founded in 1951, EPPO has grown from 15 original members to today's 44 member states, including nearly every country in the European and Mediterranean region. 目前,该组织的成员国家已经从15个发展为44个,包括欧洲和地中海地区的所有国家。
- Meeting of all the member of the united nation to discuss international problem, where each member state have one vote. 所有联合国成员开会讨论国际问题,在此大会上每个成员国有表决权。
- Like any other member state, Poland has every right to haggle with the EU. 如同任何其他的会员国一样,波兰有权同欧盟讨价还价。
- EEE sold by distance is counted in the Member State of the purchaser. 在成员国的购买者,通过远程销售的电子电器产品也被计算在内。
- The Security Council can restore the rights of a suspended Member State. 安全理事会可恢复会员国被中止的权利。
- The treaty was ratified by all the member states. 这个条约得到了所有成员国的批准。
- The new modifier creates a new member with the same name and causes the original member to become hidden. new修饰符会用同样的名称创建一个新成员并使原始成员变为隐藏的。
- Meet the needs of its Member States. WIPO的机构能力以满足其成员国的需求。
- This method is called when the user tries to remove an item that is an original member of the collection. 当用户试图移除作为集合原始成员的项时,将调用此方法。
- Member States are obligated to carry them out. 各会员国必须执行这些决定。
- France is one of the member states of the ELL. 法国是欧洲联盟成员国之一。
- This reduces the size of the original member and makes the extracted code reusable. 这将使原始成员变小,使提取的代码可重用。
- The overriding member in the most derived class is called, which might be the original member, if no derived class has overridden the member. 将调用大部分派生类中的该重写成员,如果没有派生类重写该成员,则它可能是原始成员。
- This method is called when the user tries to remove from the collection an item that is an original member of the collection. 当用户试图从集合中移除作为集合原始成员的项时,将调用此方法。
- The European Council makes the final judgment on whether a member state fulfils the necessary conditions for the adoption of the euro. 欧洲委员会对成员国是否具备加入欧元区的必要条件作最终的判断。
- As each new node is added to the cluster, it automatically receives a copy of the existing cluster database from the original member of the cluster. 每个新节点被添加到群集中时,它将从群集的原始成员那里自动接收一份现有群集数据库的副本。
- The Bank's capital is subscribed by the member states. 银行的资金由成员国捐助。
- China was an original member of GATT but for historical and political reasons it was withdrawn from GATT by the regime in Taibei in 1950. 中国是关贸总协定发起国之一,但是由于历史上及政治上的种种原因,台北当局于1950年从中退了出来。
- At the 16th to 20th sessions of the IMO,China was successively elected as an A-level council member state. 在国际海事组织第16至20届大会上,中国连续当选为A类理事国。
- Mr.Rose, 46, who is the only remaining original member of GN'R, is rarely interviewed and declined to comment for this article. 现年46岁的罗斯是枪与玫瑰硕果仅存的元老,他很少接受媒体采访,并拒绝就这篇报导发表评论。