- Her original investment has increased twofold. 她原先的投资已经增加到两倍。
- Her original investment had increased twofold. 她原先的投资额已增至两倍.
- The payback period is the time required for a firm to recover its original investment. 回收期是指企业收回其原始投资所需的时间。
- Its original investment in Shanghai city, the signing Cosco offshore Shinkansen, but its very small step into Beijing. 其投资重镇原本是在上海,此次签约中远远洋新干线,只是其迈入北京的很小一步。
- If the useful life of SERC is 3 times that of VCRC, the original invest annual cost of SERC is 1/3 higher than that of VRC. 但是即使SERC的使用寿命是VCRC的3倍,SERC的初投资的年度化成本依然比VCRC高出三分之一。
- Last month, the Guangming Group chairman Wang Jiafen original investment partner to the status of "transfer" GGV. 上个月,光明集团原董事长王佳芬以投资合伙人的身份“转会”GGV。
- If the price of the underlying Security falls below the Reference Price, investors will lose some or all of their original investment amount. 若挂钩证券的价格跌至参考价以下,投资者将会损失部分或全部投资金额。
- Investors may receive the Worst Performing Security with a value substantially less than their original investment amount. 投资者可能会收取价值远低于原来的投资金额的表现最差证券。
- A certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date. 债券由政府或公司发行的,保证到一将来明确的日期归还本金和利息的债务凭证
- Recently, the net investment round wave swept New York, focused on local original investment, or purchase of land for redevelopment. 最近,一轮纯投资性的浪潮席卷纽约,集中在当地商用房投资上,或者购买地皮重建。
- To focus on Derek, she had to sell her portion of a nail and tanning shop to her business partner, and she didn't come close to recouping her original investment. 为了全心照顾Derek,她不得不将美甲日晒店的部分股权卖给合作伙伴,可她连当初的投入都没收回来。
- If one were to invest $200,000 (borrowing $500,000) to purchase a $700,000 property for example,a simple 10% rise in property price a year would translate into about a 21% return on the original investment,net of interest expense assumed at 5.5% p.a.. 举例来说,一个人如果出资20万,再借贷50万元购买一个售价70 万元的房地产,只要房地产价格在一年之中上涨10%25,他从20万元投资中所取得的回报就有约21%25之多,这是扣掉利息成本(假设年利率 为5.;5%25)后算出的。
- In America, entrepreneurs accumulate money and then invest in projects -- buy supplies, hire workers and sell products -- that seem likely to give a high return on the original investment. 美国的企业家们积累起资金,然后投入到看起来能为原投资额赢得高回报率的项目中去(购买必需品,雇用工人及出售产品)。
- If one were to invest $200,000 (borrowing $500,000) to purchase a $700,000 property for example, a simple 10% rise in property price a year would translate into about a 21% return on the original investment, net of interest expense assumed at 5.5% p.a.. 举例来说,一个人如果出资20万,再借贷50万元购买一个售价70 万元的房地产,只要房地产价格在一年之中上涨10%25,他从20万元投资中所取得的回报就有约21%25之多,这是扣掉利息成本(假设年利率 为5.;5%25)后算出的。
- The first investor in the chain may receive some money, but later participants rarely even get their original investment back. 最初加入的投资者可能可以赚取少量金钱,但是对后来加入的投资者而言,能够回本的可谓少数。
- People close to the matter said Adia's unusual move was driven by the losses it stands to suffer under the original investment and frustration at a lack of contact with top Citi management. 知情人士表示,阿布扎比投资局的不寻常举动是受到两方面因素的推动:初始投资使其遭受的损失,以及因与花旗最高管理层缺乏接触而产生的失望情绪。
- Last month, it extended a buyback tender offer to foreign debt holders, who stood to lose as much as 87% of the value of their original investments under the arrangement. 上个月,该公司向海外债券持有者提出了回购要约,根据这一要约,这些债券持有者最高将损失当初投资额的87%25。
- The property revert to its original owner in1998. 财产于1998年将归还原所有人。
- Is that painting an original or a reproduction? 那幅画是原作还是复制品?
- Is this the original drawing or is it a copy? 这是原画还是模本?