- original geological data 原始地质资料
- Geological data can be preseted as a regularly sampled series. 地质数据可以表示有规律的取样数列。
- Geological data can be presented as a regularly sampled series. 地质数据可以表示有规律的取样数列。
- Article 27 The original geological record,maps and other data of mineral exploration,rock cores,test samples,specimens of other material objects,and various exploration marks shall be protected and preserved in accordance with relevant regulations. 第二十七条 矿产资源勘查的原始地质编录和图件,岩矿心、测试样品和其他实物标本资料,各种勘查标志,应当按照有关规定保护和保存。
- Its original geological feature experiences the earth's syllogistic history of a few hundred million years.It is exiguous non-renewable resources. 它原始的地质地貌,承载着几亿年的地球演绎史,是不可再生的稀缺资源。
- Considering the geological data of this area, this paper points out three sectors with ore-prospecting potential. 结合本区已知地质资料,提出3个找矿潜力区段。
- Through analysis of geological data of Anfu old mining area, the author has indicated the way of Coal prospecting. 通过对安福老矿区的地质资料分析,指出老矿区找煤方向。
- Restricted by technique and means, there are some artificiality and localization in various original geological information and worked result gained from the exploration. 摘要由于技术手段的限制,勘探中获得的各种原始地质信息及经过处理的探测成果等,均存在一定的局限性或人为性。
- A lot of geological data indicate that a large amount of turbidites were developed in Eogene faulted depressions of Bohai Bay area. 大量的地质资料表明,渤海湾地区下第三系断陷式凹陷中有着发育的重力流沉积。
- Archived geological data (AGD), a kind of para-public products formed by commonweal investment, shall provide service for public. 摘要成果地质资料是公益投资形成的准公共产品,为社会提供服务是必须的。
- Much Success has been achieved in forcasting mi neral deposits by analyzing geological data, biogeochemical data and remote sens ing images. 遥感图像与区域地质资料、生物地球化学资料进行综合分析、预测区域成矿远景已取得了很大进展,有很多成功的实例。
- Geological data and experimental data demonstrate that:ore-controlling faults are simultaneity-metallogenesis faults in this deposit. 实际地质资料和模拟实验研究都表明,该矿床控矿断裂为同成矿断裂。
- Based on the analysis of the drilling and geological data, the sedimentary system of upper Palaeozoic erathom can be divided into four types. 通过对钻井资料和地质资料的分析研究,将上古生界沉积体系划分为四种类型。
- Archived geological data(AGD),a kind of para-public products formed by commonweal investment,shall provide service for public. 成果地质资料是公益投资形成的准公共产品,为社会提供服务是必须的。
- After that, these curves could be reduced to black-and-white film(monochrome film) by calculus of geological data image. 之后,通过“地质数据成像”演算,可以把这些曲线还原成黑白胶片。
- Because the gneiss original geology environment balance is broken, objectively created geological condition for collapse and slide. 由于岩土体原有的地质环境平衡被打破,客观上为这些边坡的坍塌、滑动等地质灾害创造了地质条件。
- Analyses of geological data indicate that the diabase in the third member of Xiangshan Group is of Mid-Late Cambrian in age. 现有地质资料分析,把发育于香山群第三亚群辉绿岩时代下限定为早古生代。
- The Viking mission provided spectacular photographs of the Mars surface and meteorological and geological data that will lead to a better understanding of conditions on earth. 海盗号太空船提供了火星表面的壮观照片、气象以及地质上的资料,使大家可以更好地了解地球上的种种情况。
- The system adopted B/S structure,realized combined inquiry of coal geological data attribute and graphics,search all kinds of information in Web browser. 该系统采用B/S结构,实现了煤田地质资料的属性和图形的联合查询,以及各种类型的资料在Web浏览器中查阅。
- A lot of geological data such as field Profile records and logging records need to be analyzed and compared in the sequence stratigraphy and lithofacies palaeogeography study. 在层序地层与岩相古地理研究中,需要对野外地质剖面记录、测井、录井记录等海量数据进行对比分析。