- Oxygen permeating coefficient is only half of the original film. 透氧性能测试显示,氧气渗透系数为原薄膜的一半。
- I have yet to see Jee-Woon’s original film, but it was fairly well reviewed. 我没有看过金知云导演的原作,但是这部影片收到广泛好评。
- Thus, computer technology and overkill supplant the ingenuity of the original film's action. 所以,电脑技术和反复打斗代替了骇客帝国中的天才的动作。
- All sufferer all application antibiotics prevention after hair sexy dye,gum original film fuse empress can replace. 所有患者均应用抗生素预防继发性感染,胶原膜溶解后可更换。
- DVD (code 3);NTSC;Dolby digital;anamorphic widecreen;fully restored from the original film PN1997. 少林三十六房[videorecording] = The 36th chamber of Shaolin.;刘家辉;汪禹
- The original film's main character is a deaf-mute whose disability makes him a fearless, unflinching gunman. 原版电影里的主角是一名聋哑人,这种缺陷却让他成为无畏大胆的杀手。
- Jackson has treated the original film with solemn respect, which is why, unlike Guillermin, he does not update the story. 杰克森用庄严的态度对待原始的电影,也就是为何,不像吉乐敏,他不想更新故事。
- From the original film is often a lot of static pictures of the crime scene, along with the investigation deepens. confusion and chaos will follow. 影片往往从最初犯罪现场的一幅幅静态画面开始,伴随着调查层层深入,困惑和混乱也随之而来。
- Yin graphics PS version photopolymerization-azide as sencitivity, which is used for the original film Yin figure to print. 阴图型PS版以平聚分型叠氮化分物息为感平质料,它用阴图底片息原版来晒版。
- For the home viewer this 3D movie showcases the same amazing 3D effects as the original film shown in IMAX theaters? a top choice for 3D effects fanatics! 居家观看这部3D电影一样可以达到影院的惊人效果!这是3D影迷的首选!
- Copy the humiture in the darkroom environment are key, if the relative humidity, copy out of flat screen original film exists and irregular stripes and spots. 拷贝黑房的境况温湿度也不入格关头,如果境况湿度不小,拷贝不入来的陡网原版胶片上不离会活命不法规的花纹、斑不背。
- July 1, 2002 introduction of land strokes in the original film to a steady growth of prices under fire burned a hurry, or even inadvertently played a real facilitator role. 2002年7月1日开始实行地土地招拍挂在原本平稳增长的房价下烧了一把急火,无意中起到了催升房价的助力作用。
- The construction of Dupont corona-resistant polyimide film was analyzed by means of SEM and AFM, and the surface morphology of the original film and the corona- resistant film were compared with each other after aged. 本文借助扫描电镜和原子力显微镜分析了Dupont耐电晕聚酰亚胺薄膜的结构,比较了电晕老化后原始和耐电晕聚酰亚胺薄膜的表面形貌,得出Dupont耐电晕聚酰亚胺薄膜是三层结构,上下两个表层中含有较多的Al-无机化合物,是无机-有机复合结构。
- For the original filming of Star Wars, the dewback was a mechanized lifesize puppet featuring limited articulation. 在原始的星际大战影片里,湿背兽是一只实际尺寸的机械道具,只有少数的关节。
- Long Pitch: Perforation type used on print films; slightly greater than perforations on original films to prevent slippage during printing. 长齿孔距:用在正片上的齿孔类型;比在底片上的齿孔略长,以防止在印片过程中滑片。
- The property revert to its original owner in1998. 财产于1998年将归还原所有人。
- Is that painting an original or a reproduction? 那幅画是原作还是复制品?
- Is this the original drawing or is it a copy? 这是原画还是模本?
- Orthochromatic film (Ortho film): Photographic material insensitive to red lihgt but sensitive to green and vlue lights.It is the standard type of phototypesetting film and origination film. 正色菲林:对红光没有感应,只对绿光和蓝光有感应的照相材料。它是照相排字和印前操作用的标准菲林。
- The original picture is in the British Museum. 这幅画的原作在大英博物馆内。