- Taosi Sitedi yao period is from "tribal alliance" progressive form of State and national symbol of civilization is the "Origin of the Chinese civilization project" an important part. 陶寺遗址是帝尧时期由“部落联盟”逐步构成国家形态和国家文明的象征,是“中华文明探源工程”的重要组成部分。
- Most republic have president as head of state. 大多数共为国国家以总统为国家元首。
- The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower. 流星群的辐射点明显的流星雨太空光源
- The head of state was deposed by the army. 国家元首被军队废黜了。
- The origin of the universe is an ageless topic. 关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。
- What was the origin of the quarrel? 这场争吵的起因是什么?
- The premier deals with important affairs of state. 总理处理国家重要事务。
- The President cannot rudely ignore a head of state. 总统不能无礼地对一位国家元首不屑一顾。
- The minister is busy with important affairs of state. 部长忙于重要国务。
- The secretary of state issue guidelines for expenditure. 国务大臣发布了开支的指导原则。
- Scientists speculate on the origin of the universe. 科学家们猜测宇宙的起源。
- Heads of state attend numerous functions every year. 国家首脑每年要出席很多重大宴会。
- It is meaningful to study the origin of life. 研究生命起源很有意义。
- Allotment of direct taxes on the basis of state population. 税额分配根据各州人口而作的直接税收的分配
- What is the origin of pelagic oozes? 远洋软泥的来源是什么?
- The Secretary of State is presently considering the proposal. 国务卿目前正在考虑该项建议。
- It has nothing to say to the origin of the word. 这与该词的词源毫无关系。
- Legends about the origin of this festivity abound. 关于腊八节起源的传说有很多。
- The government provided an armed escort for the visiting head of State. 政府为到访的元首派出了武装卫队。
- The belly button symbolizes the origin of life. 肚脐的意象象徵著生命的起源。