- organophosphorus nerve gas 有机磷神经毒气
- The organophosphorus nerve agents Tabun, Sarin , and Soman were developed by Germany during World War II But not used. 神经毒气是氟磷酸的衍生物,被作为化学武器或杀虫剂使用。神经毒气是第二次世界大战期间由德国所研发出来,但未曾使用;
- Nerve gases generally cause death by asphyxiation. 神经毒气一般通过窒息导致死亡。
- Nerve gas obviously presented the best possibility, since it was easily administered. 神经性毒气显然提供了最好的可能性,因为它易于使用。
- Sarin, a type of nerve gas, was used by the Aum Shinrikyo cult in March 1995, killing 12 people and injuring more than 5,500 on a Tokyo subway. 沙林是一种神经性毒气,1995年3月奥姆真理教在东京地铁站使用,造成12人丧命,5,500多人受伤。
- VX is the most deadly nerve gas and Tabun is the least deadly (although still very hazardous). VX是最致命的神经毒气,而塔崩(尽管还是非常危险的)则是毒性最小的。
- Information has reached you that a terror squad is regrouping at the subway for a possible nerve gas attack. 你收到消息说一班恐怖份子正在地铁重新组编以发动一次神经毒气袭击。
- Nazi Germany developed nerve gases during World War II. 纳粹德国在第二次世界大战期间开发研制了神经毒气。
- A mask's filter canister is intended to stop particles such as anthrax, chemicals such as nerve gas, and germs such as smallpox. 防毒面具的滤毒罐,用途是阻绝微粒(例如炭疽菌)、化学药剂(例如神经毒气)以及细菌(例如天花)。
- Information has reached you that a terror squad is regrouping at the subway for a possible nerve gas attack.Launch a pre-emptive strike before the enemy carry out their plans. 一个恐怖部队集结在一个地铁通过神经毒气攻击的情报已传送到你手里.;在敌人实施其计划前先发制人
- The Aum Shinrikyo cult, said it had hoped to kill many thousands, and plunge the country into chaos, but experts say its homemade nerve gas was far less potent than the cult's scientists had expected. 奥姆真理教说,他们希望杀死几千人以造成全国混乱。但是专家们表示,他们自制的沙林毒气的威力比预期小。
- At the same time, scientist and businessman Norman Osborn, after exposure to an experimental nerve gas, develops an alternate personality himself; the super-strong, psychotic Green Goblin! 毕业后,加入报社工作的彼得与好友哈利同时锺情于女同学玛莉,奈何玛莉唯独倾慕蜘蛛侠,身为蜘蛛侠真身的彼得却有口难言。
- Nerve gases are clear and colorless, and they can be odorless or have a slight, sweetish smell. 神经毒气透明无色,可以是无气味的也可以是稍带甜味的。
- Nerve gases attack the nervous system of the body by interrupting the breakdown of neurotransmitters that signal muscles to contract. 神经毒气通过阻断指示肌肉收缩的神经递质分解而侵袭人体神经系统。
- binary weapons;a binary nerve gas. 二元武器;二元神经致毒气
- They estimate the nerve gas from each canister 他们估计每个滤毒罐里的毒气可以杀死
- I'll refill my cigarette lighter with gas. 我将给打火机再灌满汽油。
- He braced every nerve for a supreme effort. 他振作精神准备全力以赴。
- Did he have the nerve to say that? 他竟有脸说这话吗?
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。