- The organizational line is now on our agenda. 解决组织路线问题已经提到我们议事日程上来了。
- The extremely important question of organizational line. 是组织路线问题。这是一个很重要的问题。
- The question of qualified personnel is mainly one of organizational line. 人才问题,主要是个组织路线问题。
- The biggest,most difficult and most pressing problem in our organizational line is to select the proper successors. 解决组织路线问题,最大的问题,也是最难、最迫切的问题,是选好接班人。
- The implementation of the correct political line must be ensured by a correct organizational line. 正确的政治路线要靠正确的组织路线来保证。
- Of course, the organizational line also involves other problems, such as how to reduce overstaffing and establish a retirement system. 当然,组织路线方面还有其他的问题,如机关臃肿怎样解决,退休制度问题怎样解决等等。
- This session has made a series of highly important policy decisions with regard to organizational line. 这次全会,在组织路线方面作出了一系列非常重要的决策。
- Of course,the organizational line also involves other problems,such as how to reduce overstaffing and establish a retirement system. 当然,组织路线方面还有其他的问题,如机关臃肿怎样解决,退休制度问题怎样解决等等。
- The organizational line guarantees the implementation of the ideological and political lines. 思想路线政治路线的实现要靠组织路线来保证。
- We must guarantee China's stability and the realization of the four modernizations by following the correct organizational line and by choosing successors who truly uphold Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and have strong Party spirit. 中国的稳定,四个现代化的实现,要有正确的组织路线来保证,要有真正坚持马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和党性强的人来接班才能保证。
- It is also indisputable proof of the correctness of the organizational line laid down by the Seventh Congress and of the organizational leadership of the central Committee in the same period. 同时也无可争辩地证明了党的第七次全国代表大会所规定的组织路线和七大以后党中央的组织领导的正确性。
- As for Chang Kuo-tao's organizational line,it violated all Party principles,disrupted Party discipline and carried factional activity to the point of opposition to the Party,the Central Committee and the Communist International. 至于张国焘的组织路线,则是完全离开了共产党的一切原则,破坏了党的纪律,从小组织活动一直发展到反党反中央反国际的行为。
- For instance,we used it to say that the Third Plenary Session established a correct ideological line,a correct political line and a correct organizational line,and we may use such formulations again in future. 比如,三中全会确立了正确的思想路线、政治路线、组织路线,这样的提法以后还可以用。
- Of course,there are still some people hostile towards our current ideological,political and organizational lines,but I am not talking about them. 当然,对现在我们的思想路线、政治路线和组织路线抱有敌视态度的人还有,我不讲那些人的问题。
- Hence throughout this stage certain people who held leading positions in the Party failed to adhere to correct political and organizational lines. 因此,党的领导机关的一部分人,没有能够在这一整个阶段中掌握住正确的政治路线和组织路线。
- Second,the question of adhering to the Party's political,ideological and organizational lines,which I want to speak about at greater length. 第二个问题,关于坚持党的政治路线、思想路线和组织路线,我想多说几句。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- One line cuts another at right angles. 一条线与另一条线成直角相交。
- The printers have missed out a whole line here. 排版工人在这里漏掉了一整行。
- Participation in tender is in our line of business. 参加投标属于我们的业务范围。