- Where does this position fit into the company's organization plan? 这个职位在公司机构中处于什么地位?
- It presents ASON protection approaches, discusses ASON network organization plan and protection approaches. 介绍了ASON的几种保护方式,对ASON的组网方案与保护方式作了初步探讨。
- The different construction organization plan, its correspondence's item cost disbursement will also differ from. 摘要不同的施工组织设计,其对应的项目成本支出也会有所不同。
- An effective PPC campaign needs research and organized planning. 一个有效的PPC行动需要研究并作出有组织的计划。
- This design has mainly carried on the organization plan the model crosswise frame aseismic design. 本设计主要进行了结构方案中典型横向框架的抗震设计。
- One basic advantage of organization planning is avoidance of organizational inflexibility. 组织规划的一个基本优点就是可避免组织缺乏弹性。
- Thus it will become the critical step to do some research on the pedestrians" micro-traffic and the relevant organization plan in the process of capacity enhancement. 因此,研究行人的微观行为并在此基础上制定有效的客流流线组织方案成为城市轨道枢纽客运能力提升的关键环节。
- Safe food handling tips for organizations planning social activities. 针对志愿者团体社会功能的食品安全和卫生指导方针。
- An organized plan for employees of a company to buy shares of its stock. 公司让雇员购买本公司股票的有组织的计划。
- Drawing from the construction experiences on Qinhuangdao-Shenyang PDL, the essay puts forward the welding methods and construction organization plan for on-site rail welding that fits to the PDL. 结合秦沈客运专线施工经验,提出适合客运专线现场钢轨焊接的方法及施工组织方案。
- The plan failed by reason of bad organization. 由于组织不健全,这计划失败了。
- Moreover, "Forsyth" The company has experienced Events Organize planning department. 而且,“福赛”公司拥有经验丰富的活动组织策划部门。
- In the summer after Adelman through this thoroughly test, to test the true state of his players, the organization plans to do so sure. 在一个夏天过后,阿德尔曼需要通过这样的摸底考试,来测试手下球员的真实状态,胸有成竹才好安排计划。
- Photo and advising day; BH talk on spatial zones, organizing plan and site by abstraction. 照片与指导日;BH讲解空间分区、及以抽象概念组织平面与基地配置。
- To administer comprehensively the large and medium infrastructure projects of the state railways, and propose organization plans for construction undertakers. 综合管理国家铁路基本建设大中型项目,并提出建设单位组建方案。
- "Look at your transferrable skills, including project management, budgeting, supervising others, vand organizational planning," Ryan says. 莱恩说,“审视一下自己的可变通能力,包括项目管理、预算、指导他人,以及组织计划等方面的能力。”
- "Look at your transferrable skills, including project management, budgeting, supervising others, and organizational planning," Ryan says. 莱恩说,“审视一下自己的可变通能力,包括项目管理、预算、指导他人,以及组织计划等方面的能力。”
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- "Look at your transferrable skills, including project management, budgeting, supervising otITs, and organizational planning,\" Ryan says. 莱恩说,“审视一下本人的可变通胜任,包括工程管制、预算、指导他人,以及组织商量等方面的胜任。”
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。