- The cosmos was seen as an organic unity. 宇宙被视作一个有机的统一体。
- Socialist sharing focused on the long-term outlook reflects the reality and focus on the organic unity. 社会主义荣辱观体现了着眼于长远与着眼于现实的有机统一。
- Sharing a basic socialist concept of socialist ethics and social trends reflect the organic unity. 社会主义荣辱观体现了社会主义基本道德规范和社会风尚的有机统一。
- The elements in the areas of human society are linked as a restraint organic unity. 摘要人类社会是各领域、各要素相互联系、相互制约的有机整体。
- To utilize and to develop these polices is to achieve the efficiency and responsibility of an organic unity. 政府公共管理政策资源开发和利用要做到有效性与责任性有机的统一。
- Socialist concept of honor and spirit of the times and reflects the Chinese people's traditional virtues of the organic unity. 社会主义荣辱观体现了中华民族传统美德和时代精神的有机统一。
- It is the bridge for the technology transformation by combining human requirement actualization and technology humanism into an organic unity. 工业设计使人的需求现实化与技术人性化有机结合 ,成为技术成果转化的桥梁。
- A memorial building should possess monumentality both in content and form, when it reaches to the organic unity of function and form. 纪念性建筑应具有形式和内容的双重纪念性,达到形式与功能的有机统一。
- It becomes the bridge for the technology transform by combining human requirement actualization and technology humanism into an organic unity. 工业设计使人的需求现实化与技术人性化有机结合,成为技术成果转化的桥梁。
- The moral rationality of ruling is not only the interaction of ruling efficiency and rationality, but also the organic unity of party intention ethics and responsibility ethics. 执政道德合理性不仅是执政的有效性与合理性的良性互动,而且还是执政党意图伦理与责任伦理的有机统一。
- All is needed, and everything fits together.It is an organic unity: nobody is higher and nobody is lower, nobody superior, nobody inferior.Everybody is incomparably unique. 去找出你是谁的方式并不是藉著将你自己跟别人比较,而是藉著看清楚你是否以你所知道的最好的方式来实现你自己的潜力。
- In a word, the traditional and epochal spirit is an organic unity of the historical traditional spirit, the revolutionary traditional spirit and the new period spirit. 它在继承中发展,在发展中继承,既具有传统性,又具有时代性,是历史传统精神、革命传统精神和新时期精神的有机统一。
- Besides, the adjustability of the film break up the traditional notion of organic unity and the important status of camera in film highlight the material factor in art. 其中,电影的可修正性打破了传统艺术的有机整体观念,摄影机在电影中的重要地位则凸显出了艺术中的物性因素。
- Human civilization and savagery of death people from the ravages of the ideal of a harmonious spirit, West also violated the organic unity of the traditional concepts. 人性中文明的死亡和野性的肆虐使人偏离了和谐的理想精神状态,也违背了西方有机统一的传统理念。
- Aesthetic transcendence is an organic unity between individuality and sociality in the sense of becoming, for which modem artistic activity like surrealism has provided a convincing evidence. 审美超越是个体性与社会性在生成论意义上的有机统一,超现实主义等现代艺术活动对此提供了有力证据。
- It gives new meaning in the new era should be servant spirit,dedication and the spirit of science,humanities,enterprising spirit,innovation,teamwork and the spirit of sharing with the public the organic unity. 新时期赋予它新的内涵,应是公仆精神、奉献精神、科学精神、人文精神、进取精神、创新精神、团队精神与公有共享等精神的有机结合。
- "IV" is the organic unity of the whole, the right to know is the other "three" carried out on the premise that people deprived of their right to know, it is depriving the "four powers" as a whole. “四权”是有机统一的整体,知情权则是其他“三权”落到实处的前提,剥夺了群众的知情权,就等于剥夺了“四权”整体。
- Organizational unity is a company's ability to overcome challenges, stimulate creativity and achieve peak productivity and profitability. 组织的团结是保证一个企业有能力克服挑战,激发创造性并获得有效的高生产率的保障。
- In the concluding part, the author points out the inadequacy of foregrounding theory and its relevant statements about literariness.Literature is an organic unity of form and content. 在论文结语部分,作者指出形式主义者们提出的前景化理论和对文学性的论述是不全面的,文学是形式和内容的有机结合。
- National unity is essential in time of war. 举国团结在战时是非常重要的。