- organic iodine contrast medium 有机碘造影剂
- Study of acupoint pressing in advance to prevent side effects on digestive tract caused by intravenous injection of iodine contrast medium 超前穴位按压预防静脉注射含碘对比剂引起消化道不良反应的研究
- Caution must be exercised in the case of hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast media, latent hyperthyroidism and bland nodular goitre. 对碘造影剂过敏、隐匿性甲状腺亢进和轻微甲状腺肿的病例,应慎重。
- Iodine contrast medium 碘对比剂
- Iodinated contrast medium for diagnostic angiography 碘剂造影诊断
- Objective: To explore first-aid nursing care and prevention of adverse reaction resulting from contrast medium of iodine for enhancement CT scanning. 目的:探讨CT增强扫描碘造影剂不良反应的急救护理与预防措施。
- Nonionic iodinated contrast media 非离子碘化对照介质
- An X ray of of a joint after the injection of a contrast medium. 填充上照影剂后用X射线照关节。
- Iodin contrast media 碘对比剂
- Iodine contrast media 碘对比剂
- Biological organic iodine is a vital component to explore neotype iodine and fuctional food,superior to abio-iodine in heat stability,effectiveness of its utilization,safety and so on. 海带中的有机碘在热稳定性、应用效果、安全性等方面,比无机碘性能优越,是开发新型碘盐、补碘保健食品的首选材料。
- There is high contrast medium in the center of ascarides body in two patients. 蛔虫数量较多时,表现为平行长条形或圆形影或软组织充盈缺损团块。
- The abdominal CT revealed air density in the anterior perihepatiorspace, extravasation of contrast medium(possibly in stomach level)and dirty mesentery are seen suggestive of hollow organ perforation. 腹部电脑断层扫描显现,在肝脏前方有空气,显影剂外露(可能是从胃出来的)及脏的肠系膜,怀疑有中空的器官穿孔。
- Results On MSCT studies, tumors were found in the region of ampullary in 35 cases and were enhanced in different degrees post administration of iodine contrast iv, 16 of them were reconstructed. 结果35例均发现肿瘤,增强扫描肿瘤本身可见不同程度强化,其中16例经图像后处理,35例均清晰显示肿瘤及肿瘤与周围组织、血管的关系。
- Angiography after the embolization therapy showed minimal extravasation of contrast medium from the aneurysm. 栓塞治疗后的血管摄影发现只有微量的造影液从动脉瘤溢出。
- Iodinated contrast medium 碘造影剂
- X - ray examination of the bile ducts following administration of a radiopaque contrast medium. 胆管造影术使用一种辐射不透明的对照物质进行处理的对胆管的X光检查
- Effect of Iodinated Contrast Media on Erythrocytes Deformability and the Clinical Relevance 碘对比剂对红细胞变形能力的影响及其临床意义
- Upper gastrointestinal series with water-soluble contrast medium is the most sensitive diagnostic tool. 水溶性钡剂的上消化道摄影术是诊断此疾病最敏感的工具。
- Study of the Nursing on Changement of ECG on the Time of Injecting Contrast Medium in CAG. 冠脉造影推注造影剂时心电变化的护理研究