- organic free tube 无有机物加速管
- I will give you a free tube of tooth paste and a brush. 我会免费送您一只牙膏、一把牙刷。
- We have no second price.I will give you a free tube of tooth paste and a brush to show good will. 我们是不二价的,我送您一只牙膏、一把牙刷,以示谢意。
- Clerk: This one is 10 % off. That one has no reduction, but you can get a free tube of toothpaste with six toothbrushes. 秘书:这个人是10%25。一个没有减少,但是你可以得到免费的牙膏牙刷6。
- The results show that the cumulative effect of far-UV irradiation, is best indicated by the production of organic free radicals in the needles, production in chloroplasts is the next. 结果表明针叶的有机自由基水平最能说明远紫外辐射剂量的积累效应。其次是叶绿体产生的。
- Patrick: So if I buy a dozen, I'll get two free tubes of toothpaste? 帕特里克:那么如果我买一打,我会得到两次罚球管牙膏?
- Above, an assistant holds the freed tube of penile skin, ready to be turned inside out to line the vagina. 图中一位助理拉住已经被剥离的阴茎表皮,预备外翻,以作为阴道的内衬。
- When the CBL established , President Liew Chang Hua has invitated me organizes free medical service until now. 当千百家佛教居士林成立时,在会长刘长发邀请下,我为福利组创办施医赠药部一直到至今。
- Above, an a istant holds the freed tube of penile skin, ready to be turned i ide out to line the vagina. 图中一位助理拉住已经被剥离的阴茎表皮,预备外翻,以作为阴道的内衬。
- They should also question the university for repressing students and students organizations' free speech and activities. 亦该质问校方,是否在暗地里压制学生及学生团体的言论自由及活动自由!
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- Consistently, dominants took ownership of fixed tubes more often than free tubes, and took over free tubes when the subordinates failed to carry them. 情况总是这样:占优势者更经常地拿走固定的管子,而不是自个儿立着的管子;当下属猕猴没有拿时,才去拿自个儿立着的管子。
- But the history of prices and annual carryovers of crops shows that this function, as we have seen, is already being well performed by the privately organized free markets. 但是正如前面说过的,这个功能已经由私人组织的自由市场执行得很好,谷物价格和每年的谷物存货结转纪录已经证明了这一点。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。
- The music is organic to the story. 这首乐曲是这个故事必不可少的组成部分。
- In terms of medical services, the headquarters supports TIMA's 21 US chapters, and helps organize free clinics through mobile units, as well as establishing community health centers. 在医疗服务中,总会也支援全美21个人医会组织协助举办流动义诊,还有建立社区医疗中心。
- He's a fervent believer in free speech. 他是言论自由的强烈信仰者。
- The illness is organic in origin. 该病起初是器质性疾患。