- Is Organic Food More Beneficial to Health? 有机食品是否更有利于健康?
- Choosing Organic Food - What's It All About? 为什么选择有机食品?
- I have converted to organic food. 我改吃有机食物了。
- Where can I buy Organic Food in Beijing? 我在北京的哪些地方能买到有机食品?
- At one time, organic food wastes made up nearly2/3 of all solid wastes in that country. 有机食物废料在那个国家里曾占固体废料的三分之二。
- But that term should refer only to organic food wastes meat scraps, fish bones and so on. 但是那个术语仅指有机食物下脚料:肉渣、鱼制等等。
- Their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. 他们对于有机食品的了解远不完整。
- Many people are willing to pay more for organic food. 很多人愿意付多点钱买有机食品。
- Additives and processing aids for processing of organic food. 加工处理有机食品添加剂和加工助剂。
- Heterotrophs cannot synthesise organic food themselves. 生物不能够综合生物食品他们自己。
- It shows that organic food industry has advantage of high benefit. 结果表明,有机食品产业具有高效益优势。
- Organic food is superior to regular food in many ways. 有机食品在很多方面都优于普通食品。
- I’ve observed that you eat organic foods, do cloth diapering, etc.Why? 我注意到你们吃的是绿色食品,自己做尿布等等,为什么?
- Alternative organic food menu should be offered by the caterers as an option. 并建议提供有机食品餐单,使学童或家长可多一项选择。
- But organic food is so popular that its value system is in jeopardy. 但是有机食品很受欢迎,它的价值体系也岌岌可危。
- As the safest food, what are the other characteristics of organic food? 除了是最安全食品以外,有机食品还有什么特点?
- I'll invite people if you can organize food and drinks. 如果你能备办饮食,我就负责请人。
- He claims that many people are discouraged from buying organic foods because of their high price. 他声称因为价高,许多人不愿买有机肥料培植的食品。
- The latest research challenges Government scepticism about the health benefits of organic food. 这项最新的研究结果对政府部门对有机食品健康益处的怀疑是个挑战。
- So-called “health and wellness” products such as pro-biotic yoghurts and organic foods have also dropped sharply. 所谓的“保健品和营养品”,如益生菌酸奶和有机食品的销售也出现大幅下滑。