- organic conducting materials 有机导电材料
- An important direction inbiosensors is the use of new materials such as PVC membrane substrate, ion exchange polymer-film, organic conducting polymer and redox polymer etc. 新材料用于生物传感器是其新发展的重要研究方向,它包括PVC膜的替代材料,离子交换聚合物膜,有机导电聚合物和氧化还原聚合物等。
- T.U.S.Technologies is a specialist for Permanent Marking of Metals and electricity conducting materials. 技术是金属及电导材料永久标示的专家。
- The system is made of antistatic conductive materials. 整套系统由防静电传导性质材料制成。
- Conduct material Fatigue Testing and Thermal stress test. 进行材料疲劳测试和热应力测试。
- In this paper, the synthesis and doping of organic conducting polymers have been evaluated. Synthetic principles, monomers, mechanisms and conditions of electrochemistry have been specially analized. 综合评价了导电有机聚合物的合成、掺杂,着重分析了电化学合成原理,单体、反应机理和影响因素。
- How do Internal Auditing Organs Conduct Audit on Construction Projects? 内审机构如何开展建设项目审计工作?
- Over excitation describes a condition of excess flux~ in an electromagnetic device that will saturate the core steel, producing high-eddy current losses in the core and adjacent conducting materials. 过励磁表示电磁设备中有磁通过量的状态,此过量的磁通会使铁芯饱和,使铁芯和邻近导电材料中产生很大的涡流损耗。
- In addition to being in direct proportion to itself resistance,and depending on the powder size,the resistivity of the powder conducting materials also had relations to its stacked loose degree. 粉末导电材料的电阻率,除了与导电材料本身电阻特性成比例,与导电材料粉末的粒度相关外,还与粉末导电材料堆积的松紧度直接相关。
- In addition to being in direct proportion to itself resistance, and depending on the powder size, the resistivity of the powder conducting materials also had relations to its stacked loose degree. 粉末导电材料的电阻率,除了与导电材料本身电阻特性成比例,与导电材料粉末的粒度相关外,还与粉末导电材料堆积的松紧度直接相关。
- The most common conductive material used is copper. 制作天线时最常用的材料是铜。
- The heating of a conducting material caused by an electric current induced in it. 由导电物质内部电流的感应引起的加热作用。
- Inspect incoming new materials and conduct material evaluation to determine acceptability to purchase acceptance standard set by the company. 检查传入的新材料和新材料进行评估;以确定接受购买验收标准所定的公司.
- As more organizations conduct e-business dialogues, they will need to understand how the various e-business processes and choreography languages work. 随着越来越多的组织开始进行电子商务对话,它们将需要了解如何使用各种电子商务流程语言和编排语言。
- Both organizations conduct research on conflicts around the world, including how they are financed and supplied with weapons. 这两个组织都对全球各地的冲突进行研究,包括其中的资金和武器来源。
- When the closed circuit is broken at any point-that is, when the path of conducting material is interrupted-there will be no current. 当闭合电路在任一点上断开,也就是说,当导电材料的通路中断时,就不会有电流。
- The experiments prove that the PVC conveyer belt with good antistatic capability can be produced by adding antistatic agent and conducting material. 实践证明,通过添加抗静电剂和导电材料,能够生产出抗静电效果良好的PVC阻燃输送带。
- Capacitive touch screen adopts a glass structure in which transparent conductive materials are installed. 电容式触摸屏采取的是两面都布有透明传导材料的全玻璃结构。
- Breakdown or decay of organic materials. 腐烂; 分解指有机物的分解或腐败
- The iGlassware system works by coating each glass with a clear,conducting material,enabling it to measure exactly how much liquid has been sipped or guzzled. 这种智能酒杯的工作原理是给酒杯涂上一层光洁的传导材料,这样无论顾客是小啜还是狂饮,这套系统都可以测量出酒杯中还剩下多少酒。