- One reason is that organ donation is a personal matter. 原因之一是器官捐献是个人问题。
- Spain has a policy of assumed consent for organ donation. 西班牙有一个关于捐赠器官的默认同意政策。
- Nurse, did this patient sign an organ donation card? 护士,病人签过器官捐赠卡了吗?
- Organ donation helps prolong life and also offers a new life to waste material. 器官捐赠,让生命再延续,让废物还有再利用的机会。
- Unsuitability of organ donation from a patient with a history of melanoma? 有黑色素瘤病史者不适合作为器官供者?
- All six of the main religions in Britain support organ donation and transplantation. 事实上,英国所有六个主要宗教都支持器官捐献和移植。
- Local artiste, Ms Miriam Yeung, was appointed as Organ Donation Ambassador to mark her support on organ donation. 本地艺人杨千嬅小姐更于活动开展仪式上被委任为器官捐赠推广大使,以行动支持是次器官捐赠推广计划。
- Every voluntary donor signs a card of organ donation for the wish to help people. 每位接受器官捐赠者需签署一张器官捐赠咭以示证明。
- In Europe and America, herds of pigs are being specially bred and genetically engineered for organ donation. 在欧洲以及美国,以特别的饲养方法喂养着成群经遗传工程处理的猪以便提供器官。
- The BMA points to much higher organ donation rates in countries that have opt-out systems, such as Spain, Belgium, Austria and the Czech Republic. 英国医学会指出,实行这种“选择退出”机制的国家,如西班牙、比利时、奥地利和捷克,都有着较高的器官捐献率。
- Standing next to her son, Cory remembered that Tracy had once mentioned organ donation. 科里站在儿子的身边,想起他曾提到过捐献器官。
- Also, I am an endorser to be enrolled on organ donation & marrow match donation. 此外,本人实也为器官捐赠、及骨髓捐赠登记者。
- It is hoped that upon the completion of training, participants can help promote the organ donation message among their peers and family members. 预期他们完成培训后,能将器官捐赠的讯息推广至同辈及家人。
- Not everyone wants to participate, however: according to the NHS, 90 per cent of the British strongly support organ donation, but only 23 per cent are on the organ-donor list. 但并不是每个人都愿意参与:根据国家健康中心的数据,英国90%25的人口都强烈支持器官捐献,但只有寥寥23%25的人前来登记。
- HUMPHREY HAWKSLEY: There's no apparent religious ban on organ donation, It's a matter of awareness and getting people involved. HUMPHREY HAWKSLEY: 对于器官捐赠,并没有明显的宗教禁令。这只是一个意识问题,要让人们参与进来。
- HUMPHREY HAWKSLEY: There's no apparent religious ban on organ donation, It's a matter of awareness and getting people involved. Not an easy job. 对于器官捐赠,并没有明显的宗教禁令。这只是一个意识问题,要让人们参与进来。这并不容易。
- The purpose of this study was to identify and analyse Korean health professionals' attitudes and knowledge of organ donation and transplantation. 这个研究的目的是要确认与分析韩国健康专业人员对于器官捐赠与移植的态度、知识。
- Master, what do you think about organ donations after we die? 师父,您对死后的器官捐赠有何看法?
- Liver transplantation is the most effective treatment for patients with terminal liver diseases but its application is limited by the low organ donation rate in Hong Kong. 肝移植是治疗末期肝病的最有效方法,但在香港,器官捐赠率低,令肝移植手术未能广泛应用。
- At the end of last year, a group of people who have been given a new life through kidney transplants took to the Street to extol the virtues of organ donation. 去年底,一群因他人遗爱捐肾而重生的换肾人走到街头,以自己的经验宣导推广捐赠器官的观念。