- Under the genetic plan, organs develop. 器官的发育依据遗传图式而进行。
- The plant specific LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES (LOB) domain (LBD) gene family has a potential role in lateral organ development. 植物特有的LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES(LOB)domain基因家族在侧生组织的发育中起着潜在的作用。
- Flower development can be distinguished by three phases: flowering determination, flower evocation, and floral organ development. 花的发育分为开花决定、的发端和花器官的发育三个阶段。
- Supervise Information Development and Organization Development. 分管组织发展和信息开发的工作。
- Here, we report that Grp78 heterozygosity has no effect on organ development or antibody production but prolongs the latency period and significantly impedes tumor growth. 该模型的小鼠Grp78的表达水平是正常的一半,模拟了抗Grp78药对Grp78表达的部分抑制作用。
- All organizations develop corporate cultures of their own. 所有的组织都会发展出自己的企业文化。
- Other related projects about recruitment or organization development. 参与其它与招聘或组织发展相关的项目。
- In Charge of Organization Development and Plan for CUAA Monthly Events. 负责组织发展包括会员发展和会员活动等工作。
- Methods Petal's organ development, fetal position, condition of placeta and amnion in general prenengcy underwent color ultrasound examination at the same time. If there was cord entanglement in neck and cycle number of wrapping were observed. 彩超常规检查足月妊娠孕妇胎儿各器官发育及胎儿方位、胎盘、羊水等情况,同时观察是否有脐带绕颈及绕颈周数。
- Brenner shared the Nobel medicine prize in 2002 with Robert Horvitz of the United States and Briton John Sulston for their work on genetic regulation of organ development and cell death. 布瑞尔与美国科学家罗勃特?何维兹和英国科学家约翰?萨尔顿三人凭借他们在器官发育和细胞死亡方面的遗传基因研究成果一举获得了2002年的诺贝尔医学奖。
- The initial clustering of embryonic cells from which a part or an organ develops; primordium. 原基,芽基,胚基长出部位或器官的胚胎细胞群;原基
- The present work enunciate the phenophase and plant organ development of Hedyotis diffusa Willd. at Nanjing region. These results can give a reference for the plant growing practice. 本项研究观测了白花蛇舌草在南京地区的物候期和各器官的生长发育规律等,可为进一步野生变家种提供参考。英文翻译,英语:
- The initial clustering of embryonic cells from which a part or an organ develops;primordium. 原基,芽基,胚基长出部位或器官的胚胎细胞群;原基
- Personal development must be accompanied by organizational development in schools, training centres, and universities. 个人的发展必须与学校,培训中心,大学的组织发展同步。
- Visionary Consulting was established in 1997, is an Organization Development (OD) consulting company. 环胜咨询成立于1997年,是一家专业从事组织发展咨询的咨询公司。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- Steward, F.C. Mapes, M.O. and Mears, K. Growth and organized development of cultured cells. 谭文澄,戴策刚.;观赏植物组织培养技术
- The key premise of organizational development is that organizations are social systems. 组织开发的前提要素是这个组织是社会体系。
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。
- Finally,the author sums up the trends of information organization development in the future. 最后,对未来信息组织的研究和发展走向作了分析。