- Ore bearing hydrothermal migrates ... 成矿过程中,体系是开放的。
- Hydrocarbon bearing hydrothermal fluids 含烃热液流体
- The geology and ore controlling factors indicate that the Kalama copper deposit in Xinjiang is one of the sedimentary strata bound deposits reformed by hydrothermal fluid. 通过对矿床矿化特征及控矿因素的研究,表明卡拉玛铜矿床属沉积热液改造型层控矿床。
- The post-magmatic ore-bearing hydrothermal fluid migrates along the contact fracture zone or external fracture zone and forms the ore by filling and replacing. 岩浆期后含矿热液沿接触带破碎带或外带构造破碎带运移并在破碎带中充填、交代而成矿体。
- Exploration of resources near the hydrothermal fluid vent. 热液口附近的资源勘探。
- Water of hydrothermal fluid was derived from meteoric water. 介质水属于下渗大气降水。
- Ore bearing stratum contain richly pyrrhotite,pyrite,spessartine and dannemorite. 赋矿层位中富含磁黄铁矿、黄铁矿、锰铝榴石和锰铁闪石。
- Banpo antimony deposit is a typical fracture-controlling and hydrothermal fluid filling deposit. 半坡锑矿床是典型的断裂控矿,热液充填型矿床。
- Ore bearing stratum contain richly pyrrhotite,pyrite,spessartine and dannemorite.Additionly, there are smaller arsenopyrite and cobaltite. 赋矿层位中富含磁黄铁矿、黄铁矿、锰铝榴石和锰铁闪石。
- The ore-genesis belonging to deep resource hydrothermal fluid cryptoexplosi on metasomatism was put forward. 提出银矿床属深源热流体隐爆-交代型矿床。
- The geochemical characteristics reveal that the metallogenic elements are derived from the subaqueous ore bearing hot brine. 地球化学特征表明成矿物质由含矿热卤水提供,属热水化学沉积型矿床。
- The mineralizing fluid includes magmatic hydrothermal fluid, underground thermal brine, metamorphic hydrothermal fluid, atmospheric water and so on. 成矿热液具有岩浆热液、变质热液以及大气降水多种来源。
- Collecting geochemical prospecting information of kimberlite in Huabei Platform shows: Cr is an important indicative element for determining a rock mass is ore bearing. 对华北地台金伯利岩地球化学找矿信息提取表明:铬是判别岩体含矿与否的重要指示元素。
- The hydrothermal fluid and the spaces of ore-bodies in the deposit are provided by the granite magmas and the Permian period. 指出印支期白岗质花岗岩岩浆提供部分成矿物质,二叠系地层和花岗岩浸位提供热源和导矿、容矿空间。
- All the deposits of the said mining area are multi-mineral ore bearing mainly sphalerite, galena, pyrite, magnetite pyrite, chalcopyrite, magnetite iron ore, etc. 该采区均属硫化物多金属矿床,主要金属矿物有:闪锌矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿、磁铁矿等。
- The stratiform skarns of hydrothermal fluid sedimentary origin are well developed in Kendekoke gold deposit, Qinhai province. 摘要热水沉积成因层矽卡岩在青海省肯德可克金矿区非常发育。
- The ore bearing formations are sea bottom spout hot water sedimentary rock and hot water debris turbidite associated with contemporaneous extense faults. 脆-韧性剪切构造控制着主成矿过程;
- During the course of its thickening and the hydrothermal fluid enriching, the crust under the root of mountain is melting into some large granitic magma. 山根下部的地壳在增厚及热流体的不断富集过程中,导致重熔产生大量花岗岩浆。
- The formation the LILE-rich amphibolite is resulted from the LILE-rich hydrothermal fluid emplacement, which provide the material source for the Kuerti plagiogranite formation. 由于受富含轻稀土等大离子亲石元素的热水流体的交代,形成了富集大离子亲石元素的角闪岩。
- The metal-sulfide-enriched hydrothermal fluid and thermal power of the granitic magma provide energy and carrier for the activation and movement of gold element,... 岩浆中富金属硫化物的热液以及岩浆自身的热能,为地层和岩浆中金元素的活化和运移提供了能量和载体,对金起着捕获和富集的作用,有利于金矿床的形成。