- ore resources law 矿产资源法
- To the main potato crop, and high-quality iron ore resources of granite. 农作物以马铃薯为主,有铁矿石资源和优质的花岗岩。
- Archean is the most important geological period in which the iron ore resources formed occupies 79.87% of the total. 太古宙是区内最重要的地质时期;该时期形成铁矿资源储量占总资源储量79.;87%25;广泛分布在各古老结晶基底的变质岩系内。
- Because of the shortage of ore resources in iron and steel market, ironmaking process in LISC was greatly influenced. 由于钢铁市场资源紧缺,矿石供应紧张,对涟钢铁前生产造成较大影响。
- The chromite ore resources and production in Tibet both rank first in our country. 西藏地区的铬铁矿蕴藏量和开采量均居全国首位。
- Attended the International Academic Seminar on Environmental and Natural Resources Law, Nov. 2000, Fuzhou, Fujian. 2000年11月,福建福州,环境资源法学国际学术研讨会。
- The present condition iron ore resources,expanding of production capacity and prediction of potential resources are comprehensively introduced. 文章对我国铁矿资源现状、生产能力增长、潜在资源预测等作了全面介绍。
- Guangdong province is rich in high grade iron ore resources, which were found extensively distributed and shallowly deposited. 广东富铁矿资源丰富,矿床规模较大,矿石窟,埋藏浅。
- The in-situ underground leaching of low-grade copper ore is a new technology of extraction of copper from its ore resources. 难采难选低品位氧化铜矿就地破碎浸出技术是一项崭新的资源回收综合技术。
- OHSA SH' s Natural Resources Law group offer a diverse range of skills in all areas of natural resources law, with vast experience in the mining and oil& gas sectors. OHSA sh 在自然资源法律服务方面提供自然资源法所有领域中的技术,且其在矿业、油和汽油领域里有着丰富的经验。
- So, the real aim of Environmental and Resources Law that treats the environment and resources as an integer is to hold the value of the whole ecosystem but not the part of it. 因此,将环境资源作为一个整体对待的环境资源法,其真正目的应该是保持生态系统整体的价值,而不是保护这一整体中某一部分的价值。
- The underground ore resources increasingly depletive after hundred years mining.The underground remnant resources recovering was developed to sustain mine normal production. 水口山铅锌矿经过多年的开采,井下资源日益枯竭,为维持正常的生产,积极开展井下难采残矿资源的回收工作。
- The water resources law should affirm the right and interests on water resources, and advance the droit marketing, while the value in environment should be also affirmed. 对水资源的价值分析,表明水资源法律制度应该认可水资源的权利主体的权益,并鼓励水资源权利的流转,以实现它的经济价值,同时也要尊重水资源的生态性和公共性,不可顾此失彼;
- Organized the Annual Meeting and the Academic Seminar of Environmental and Natural Resources Law Institute of Shandong Law Society in 2005, oct., at Shandong, Qufu. 2005年10月,主办山东省法学会环境资源法学研究会年会暨学术研讨会。(山东曲阜)
- Thinking on Strategem of Utilization of Iron Ore Resource of Bao Steel (Group) Co. 包钢(集团)公司铁矿资源利用战略思考。
- Germany uses China's rich alloy ore resources and its technology to develop joint research projects such as ore deposit exploration, ore dressing, metal melting and metal material recovery, yielding good results. 德国利用中国丰富的合金矿产资源,结合其技术,同中国开展矿床勘探、选矿、金属冶炼和金属材料回收等项目的合作研究,取得了很好的效益。
- This text sets out from the angle of law, analyzing the blemish of the mineral resources' present condition of the northeast region and law system, exploring the path of perfecting mineral resources law system of the northeast region. 本文从法律的角度出发,分析东北地区矿产资源现状及法律制度方面的缺陷,探寻完善东北地区矿产资源法律制度的途径。
- So to safeguard the supply security of iron ore resources has an important strategic meaning for the healthy development of the iron and steel industry,as well as the local economy in Hebei province. 钢铁行业是河北省的支柱产业,其发展紧密依赖于铁矿资源,保障铁矿资源供给安全,对于河北省钢铁行业乃至国民经济健康发展具有重要的战略意义。
- There are rich light, heat, water, soil and ore resource in the Hexi Corridor Oasis, whose sustainable development will be bound to bring new economic growth point. 摘要河西走廊绿洲区光、热、土地和矿产资源丰富,走可持续发展道路必将为该区带来新的经济增长点。
- The most important value of environmental and resources law is ecological security,which is due to environmental problems having been seriously threating to Survival and development of mankind. 环境资源法是将生态安全放在首位作为环境资源法价值的出发点。