- Stope pillar recovery in overall mining method 全面采矿法采场的矿柱回采
- splitting method of pillar recovery 煤柱分隔回采法
- ore - pillar recovery 矿柱回采
- Discussion on coal pillar recovery technology with continuous miner 连掘机煤柱回收技术探讨
- A creeper was entwined round the pillar. 一根攀缘植物缠绕在柱子上。
- The ore is smelted in this large factory. 这个大型工厂里熔炼矿石。
- He has been a pillar of the Church all his life. 他一生都是教会的热心支持者。
- First, ore is mixed with coke and limestone. 先把铁矿石和焦碳、石灰石混合在一起。
- The enemy was hurried from pillar to post. 敌人被赶得东逃西窜走投无路。
- We will make an assay of the ore that he brought. 我们将对他带来的矿石做实验鉴定。
- The doctors held out little hope for his recovery. 大夫们都对他恢复健康不抱多大希望。
- Optimization Design of the Downhill Mining Area Final Block Section Mining and Uphill Pillar Recovery 下山采区最后块段开采与上山煤柱回收优化设计
- A bin for storing ore, grain, or other materials. 仓库储放矿石、谷物或其它材料的大箱
- Design and Engineering of the Open-stope Method Pillar Recovery in Hidden Danger Orebody with Multi-mined-out Areas 多空区隐患矿体条件下空场法矿柱回收试验研究
- The spacecraft was in its recovery mode. 这艘飞船处于返回状态。
- There are pockets of ore in the mountain. 那座山里有好几块矿藏。
- The master tied me to a pillar and whipped me savagely. 主人把我捆在柱子上,用鞭子死命地抽我。
- There are streaks of ore in the mountains. 这山里有矿脉。
- I can't decipher what is inscribed on the pillar. 我认不出刻在柱子上的是什么。
- Iron ore has been discovered in the area. 这地区发现了铁矿。