- The children lined up in an orderly fashion. 孩子们整整齐齐排好队。
- The crowd left the square in an orderly way. 群众井然有序地离开了广场。
- Orderly in the upkeep of his rooms. 在保养他的房间上一丝不苟
- orderly derivate 有序的导数
- He gave an orderly answer to the teacher's question. 他条理分明地回答了老师的问题。
- His glance ranged over the orderly rows. 他注视着一排排整齐的行列。
- The books are in orderly rows on shelves. 书籍整齐地排列在书架上。
- David was always a quiet orderly boy. 大卫始终是一个文静规矩的孩子。
- It makes for a more orderly situation. 这样可以造成一种更有秩序的局面。
- She put the letters in three orderly piles. 她把信堆成整齐的三堆。
- The crowd was orderly and quiet. 人群很有秩序,也很安静。
- That is intense but orderly work. 那是紧张而有秩序的工作。
- It’s what I called above derivate advertising. 这就是我所称的衍生品广告。
- Orderly and neat in appearance or procedure. 整洁的外表或步骤有秩序而整齐的
- Orderly and precise in procedure; systematic. 简洁的步骤有序的和精确的;系统的
- A British military officer's orderly. (英国军队中的)勤务兵、传令兵
- They are living in a peaceful and orderly world. 他们生活在一个清平世界中。
- The army rs retreat was orderly. 军队的撤退井然有序。
- Sergeant Mckeogh was my orderly. 军士麦考夫是我的传令兵。
- He seems to want a predictable, orderly world. 他似乎需要一个可以预测的井然有序的世界。