- To order by repeated splitting and merging. 通过反复多次分开和合并进行排序。
- Please send me the articles on order by goods. 请将我所订的货物经铁路运来。
- Finish off by merging all the layers together. 把所有的层都融合在一起就完成了。
- Our prices are in force only if you order by return mail. 我方价格仅以你方速复我订货,才有效。
- The company was formed by merging three smaller firms. 公司是由三家小公司合并组成的。
- We think it's time to consolidate our position by merging. 我们认为现在是通过合并来加强我们公司的时候了。
- The address list is ordered by country. 这本通讯录是按国家顺序整理的。
- Some twenty years ago by merging two small-sized ones. 大约20年前由两个小规模的工厂合并而成的。
- The speaker was ruled out of order by the chairman. 主席裁定这位发言人违反程序。
- Did you order by phone or by reservation card? 您是用电话还是用预订卡预订的?
- We arrange the files in alphabetical order by name. 我们把汇编文件按名称的字母顺序排列。
- Please send your order by fax or mail. 请传真或邮寄订单。
- He maintained order by sheer force of personality. 他纯凭人格力量维护秩序。
- Numerical data linearly ordered by magnitude. 按量值大小直线形排列的数字数据
- Customize your order by choosing any 10 tip styles. 定做您的顺序通过选择所有10个技巧样式。
- ordering by merging 合并排序,并项成序
- That filing cabinet contain invoice ordered by date. 那个文件柜中的发票是按日期顺序整理好的。
- Please order by letter or by fax. 请用书面或传真订购。
- We can deliver the order by 15th. 我们可以在十五日发送。
- We shall fulfill your order by November 30. 我们会在十一月卅日前完成您的订单需求。