- The major semiaxis a and p of the relative orbital motion are known. 我们知道其相对轨道运动的主要半长轴a和周期p。
- Spin-orbit coupling is the interaction between the spin magnetic moment of an electron and magnetic field generated by its orbital motion. 自旋-轨道耦合是电子的自旋磁矩和由轨道运动产生的磁场之间的相互作用。
- This horizontal mixer machine of stainless steel and is especially adaptable to mixing the sticky grain or paste substances in medical industry. 本机为不锈钢制卧式混合机,特别适宜用于制药工业中有一定粘度的粉状或糊状物料的均匀混合。
- The orbital motion of close binary pulsar can be used for generation of an astronomical ephemeris time scale BPT. 介绍了该领域研究的基本状况,重点对毫秒脉冲星守时的理论方法,综合脉冲星时间及与原子时的关系等进行了讨论和评述。
- But Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets. 但多年来牛顿一直对月球和行星绕轨道运行的起因好奇不已。
- You can observe the moon's orbital motion from one night to the next by watching the moon's location with respect to background stars. 通过观察对比月亮在某一个晚上和在第二个晚上与参照星座的相对位置,你能看到月亮的轨道运动。
- Theorists, however, have had trouble trying to establish how the matter in the ring loses enough of its orbital motion to fall into thehole in the first place. 然而,理论工作者首先遇到的难题是无法确认环状星云的物质是如何偏离自己的轨道而掉进黑洞的。
- As the Apollo 8 command module rounded the farside of the Moon, the crew could look toward the lunar horizon and see the Earth appear to rise, due to their spacecraft's orbital motion. 当阿波罗8号指挥舱运行到月球的另一面时,其成员还能看到月球的地平线,还有地球从月球的地平线上升起,这是由于飞船轨道的运动而致。
- Design of 20 Cubic Liter High Speed Mixer Machine 20立升高速混合机的设计
- Such factors as complicated spaceborne SAR orbital motion, earth rotation, earth surface curvature etc. make the realization of spaceborne SAR/GMTI different from airborne SAR/GMTI. 星载合成孔径雷达的轨道运动以及地球自转、地球曲率等因素使星载SAR/GMTI处理方法与机载不同。
- The magnetic fields produced by the orbital motions of the electrons in filled shells also cancel in pairs. 满壳层中电子的轨道运动所产生的磁场也被成对地抵消了。
- He pushed a button and set the machine in motion. 他按下按钮开动了机器。
- A strong magnetic field in a resonant cavity is an ideal circumstance for initiating the spins and orbital motions of electrons and nuclei in solids. 谐振腔中的强磁场是激发起固体中电子和原子核的自旋和轨道运动的理想环境。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。
- Spacecraft Orbital Motion Around Asteroids 飞行器围绕小行星的轨道运动
- Angular velocity of orbital motion of electron 电子轨道运动角速度
- She's outgoing and a good mixer. 她性格外向,善于交际。
- A rod or lever transmitting motion in a machine. 连杆机器中传递运动的连杆或杠杆
- Before he gets to the workshop, the machine has been put in motion. 在他到达车间之前,机器已经开动了。