- orbital plane of frontal bone 额骨眶面, 额骨眶部
- semicircular plane of frontal bone 额骨颞面, 额骨半圆平面
- Either of two points at which the orbit of a satellite intersects the orbital plane of a planet. 轨道交点卫星的轨道与行星的轨道面相交的两点中任何一点
- fracture of orbital surface of frontal bone 眼眶
- Lamina orbitalis ossis ethmoidalis orbital plate of frontal bone 额骨眶板:同
- Frontal craniotomy complicated with sinusitis and cutaneous fistula may lead to a great challenge of plastic surgeons due to large defect of composite tissue loss with erosion of frontal bone. 摘要前额开颅术若损伤了额窦,可能引发额窦炎或表皮屡管,进一步造成大范围组织缺损,这对重建手术来说是极大的挑战。
- Combined with double exposure holography, the holographic fringe reader (HFR) method has quantitatively determined the 3-d displacements of frontal bone and temporal bone of human skull loaded by concentrated force. 本文提出了采用全息条纹三维读数仪法与双曝光全息法相结合,对人体颅骨颞部和额窦部受集中载荷时的三维位移场进行定量分析;
- Of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone. 前额与前额或额骨有关的或额骨的
- Parallel to or in the plane of the horizon. 水平的与地平面平行的或在地平面中的
- Situated anterior to the frontal bone. 前额骨的位于额骨前部的
- Almost parallel to the orbital plane. 自转轴几乎和公转平面平行。
- temporal surface of frontal bone 额骨颞面
- Almost perpendicular to the orbital plane. 几乎和公转平面垂直。
- ethmoidal incisure of frontal bone 额骨之筛骨切迹
- This species has reached a higher plane of development. 这一种属已达到更高的发展阶段。
- semicircular line of frontal bone 额骨颞线
- external angular process of frontal bone 额骨颧突
- external surface of frontal bone 额骨外面
- As a result, Uranus seems to be rolling on the orbital plane. 换句话说,天王星就好像是在公转轨道上滚动著。
- angular process of frontal bone, external 额骨颧突