- orbit intersection angle 轨道交角
- When the intersection angle at the horizontal level equals zero, the angle in the vertical direction is also zero. 当水平夹角为零时,垂直夹角也为零。
- The discovery was that there were differences between two matrixes because of the diversities in intersection angle and magnitude. 发现两个矩阵不同;是因为它们之间存在夹角和大小的差异.
- By modeling of "Y"-shaped junction of the compound river channel with an intersection angle 90°, the flow velocity and water level at the junction were obtained by use of the acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) and point gauges. 摘要通过制作交汇角为90°的复式断面河道"Y"型交汇河口模型,利用三维声学多普勒流速仪(adv)和测针获取流速及水位数据,对支流河口处的水流流态包括水面形态、水流流速和水流分区进行分析。
- The relation between the deformation discipline of layered rock slope due to excavation and the intersection angle of the strata and the slope strike direction are studied in detail by finite element method and model test. 以有限元计算和模型试验为手段对同向层状岩质边坡的开挖变形规律同边坡走向与岩层走向夹角的关系作了较为详细的研究。
- The curve leagth at delayedstagnant nit6rval and investigation depth,the intersection angle between bed boundary and borehole,stratigraphic dip and inclination,logging method are influened by different direction. 曲线的延滞区间的长度与仪器探测深度、地层界面同井眼的交角、地层倾角及倾向、测井方法是否具方向性有关。
- Using optimized unrestrainted conjugated gradient method,the optimum intersecting angle and the regularity of optimum point position 'were found. 利用无约束最优化共轭梯度法,求出了最佳交会角和最佳点位的规律。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- The spacecraft is in orbit around the moon. 该航天器在绕月球轨道运行。
- After the cutting parameters(diameters, intersectional angle) are puted into the software, the programme will automatically perform the cutting of the curve. 当切割参数( 包括管直径、相交角度)输入程序后,程序可自动完成予定相交曲线 的切割。
- AB and CD intersect at (the point) P. AB线和CD线在P点相交。
- The space shuttle will orbit a weather satellite. 太空梭将把一个气象卫星送入运行轨道。
- The launch vehicle lifts the satellite into orbit. 太空火箭将人造卫星送入运行轨道。
- The lines AB and CD intersect at E. 直线AB与直线CD相交於E点。
- Something of circular form; a circle or an orbit. 圆形物体圆形物体; 圆圈或环形轨道
- Since different trades have different rules of intersecting angle in pipe joints, this article gives expression when the rules are as follows: AWS, API, and unaltered intersecting angle. 本文针对各个行业对管切割中坡口要求的不同,给出了上述管切割类型在不开坡口、开定角度玻口、AWS和API焊接坡口规则下,坡口角和切割角的表达式。
- She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle. 她把帽子歪戴着,一副俏皮的样子。
- The spacecraft is in orbit (ie moving in orbit) round the moon. 该航天器在绕月球轨道上飞行。
- Cut to the left at the next intersection. 在下一个十字路口向左急转
- Marketing does not come within the orbit of his department. 市场推销业务不归他这一部门管。