- Oral presentation at 23rd ICN quadrennial congress. 2005教育研暑期护理师资培训班。
- On December 2000, the candidate cities will give the IOC a 10-minute oral presentation. 首先,2000年12月,候选城市向国际奥委会执委会作10分钟的陈述报告。
- On December 2000,the candidate cities will give the IOC a 10-minute oral presentation. 首先,2000年12月,候选城市向国际奥委会执委会作10分钟的陈述报告。
- He doesn't only quite skillful in oral presentation, but also possesses rich expressions. 老艺术家不仅嘴皮子厉害,表情也个个精彩。
- Class assignments include three brief analytical papers and one oral presentation. 课堂作业则包括三篇分析论文的简报与口头报告。
- A recording of a newscast, talk show or other oral presentation originally generated via the radio. 新闻广播、脱口秀或其口说演出,其原透过无线广播所产生。
- This course doesn't have a midterm or final exam. Instead, it requires an oral presentation and term papers. 这一门课没有期中考和期末考,是用上台简报和交报告的方式。
- In giving an oral presentation, we should not only organize information and ideas coherently but also deliver the speech in a clear and vivid way. 进行口头陈述时,我们不仅要把内容和想法连贯地组织好,还要清楚生动地表述好。
- Students receive training in the art of scientific writing and oral presentation with feedback designed to improve writing and speaking skills. 此堂课将训练学生科学报告写作及口头报告的技巧,课堂上的回馈则是用以增进写作及演讲能力。
- After each oral presentation, the teaching staff provides explicit and personalized feedback to each student as to how they can improve their speaking skills. 关于如何改进演说技巧,在每次口头报告后教师会给予清楚而个人化的回覆。
- Each student has 15-20 min. altogether for the oral defense, with 5 min. for oral presentation of the thesis by the student, and 10-15 min. for the questions and answers. 每场答辩15-20分钟。学生首先进行答辩称述5分钟左右;答辩小组针对论文提问与学生回答10-15分钟。
- I had done my oral presentation for strategy Financial Management, the feedback of outcome was alright, I have been told that I had shown very confident, well done! 我已做了我的口头介绍,为战略财务管理,信息反馈的结果是好的,有人告诉我,我已表现出很有信心,做得好!
- I will have a oral presentation assessment tomorrow, I was stress, I had few practices last night, I tried to do my speech on timing, I will get up early and try my best. 我将有一个口头陈述评估明天,我是压力,我有几个做法昨晚,我尝试做的事,我的发言时间,我会起身早,尽我所能。
- The primary mission of the IEEE Professional Communication Society (PCS) is to help engineer and technical communicators develop skills in written and oral presentation. Ieee的通信专家社区,给这方面的专家人士提供交流的机会。
- Presentation: NCL 2008 has both oral and poster presentations. An oral presentation includes 20-minute presentation and 10-minute comments and discussion. 发表形式:(1)口头发表:论文宣读二十分钟,评论及讨论十分钟。(2)海报发表
- The impressive oral presentation of Fung Yeuk Wun also enabled her to win the Best Presenter Award. 冯若媛更凭在决赛当日的出色表现,荣获最佳演讲员大奖。
- Although courts applying this rationale have stopped short of requiring agencies to allow oral presentation of testimony or cross-examination, they have required procedures which have been aptly described as involving a "paper hearing". 尽管运用这一基本原理的法院,已经停止了要求机构呈送口供或盘问,但法院仍要求认真准备有关的“书面审讯”诉讼程序。
- Plagiarized material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data, and oral presentations. 剽窃范围包括文字、图表、及其它可视方式,包括电子数据以及口头表达内容。
- All of the oral presentations are here summarized one by one and some key scientific subjects and the development in the field are abstracted. 逐一介绍了会议学术报告的主题内容,以期提炼相关领域的学术关键和学科发展趋向。
- Although I am a rather reticent individual by nature, I made the most of the oral presentations in class. And soon my confidence level soared. 尽管我生性沉默寡言,但我充分利用了课堂上做口头陈述的机会,这使我不久就信心倍增。