- He has not been able to walk or speak since he had a stroke. 他自从中风以来就一直不能行走和讲话。
- Never write or speak merely to impress. 不论写文章还是说话,都不要哗众取宠。
- To sing, whistle, or speak with a flutelike tone. 以长笛般的音调唱歌、吹口哨或说话
- To articulate(words); pronounce or speak. 说(话);读或讲
- To sing,whistle,or speak with a flutelike tone. 以长笛般的音调唱歌、吹口哨或说话
- Capable of being voiced or spoken. 发声的能发出声音或说出的
- Do not cough or speak towards the injured area. 切勿面向伤处咳嗽或说话。
- Working, acting, or speaking with effortless ease and fluency. 流畅的毫不费力的,并且流畅地工作、行动或说
- To force to act or speak prematurely or unwillingly. 迫使仓促行动迫使某人在条件未成熟或不情愿的情况下行动或发言
- To consider right or good; think or speak favorably of. 赞成认为是正确的或好的;表扬地想起或说起
- Working,acting,or speaking with effortless ease and fluency. 流畅的毫不费力的,并且流畅地工作、行动或说
- To have difficulty in breathing, swallowing, or speaking. 哽塞在呼吸、吞咽或说话上有困难
- To act,perform,or speak with little seriousness or purpose; jest. 嘲弄轻率无礼的行事,说话;取笑,开玩笑。
- Sounded or spoken in an unvarying tone. 单调的用不变的音调饿说出或讲话
- To think or speak of as being of little worth; belittle. 轻视认为不值得考虑或不值得说;轻视
- An opportunity to act or speak out; a chance for accomplishment. 显身手的机会做或说的机会;完成某事的机会
- At times I am much more talkative or speak much faster than usual. 有时我的话语比平常多得多,或者说话速度比平常快得多。
- To act, perform, or speak with little seriousness or purpose; jest. 嘲弄轻率无礼的行事,说话;取笑,开玩笑
- It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense. 无论是恐吓还是讲道理对他都不起作用。
- To turn aside, especially from the main subject in writing or speaking; stray. 离开主题远离,特别是指脱离写作或演说主题;跑题