- optimum LAI (leaf area index) 最适叶面系数
- Abstract: The paper studied the variational process of leaf area index (LAI), leaf chl orophyll density (CH. 中文摘要: 分析了北京大屯科技站水稻叶面积指数 (LAI)、叶绿素密度 (CH .
- The aim of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of using Landsat 7 ETM~+ data to estimate Leaf Area Index (LAI). 研究利用Landsat7ETM+遥感数据获取黑河流域植被叶面积指数(LAI)空间分布的可行性。
- The purpose of this study is to apply a remote sensing method for estimating the Leaf Area Index, LAI, of Taiwania plantations in the Lukuei area. 摘要本研究旨在探讨应用卫星遥测资料估测六龟台湾杉人工林叶面积指数之可行性。
- The vegetation index (NDVI) and leaf area index (LAI) are two key important land vegetation ecosystem status parameters. 植被指数 (NDVI)和叶面积指数 (LAI)是两个非常重要的陆地生态系统植被状态参数。
- Leaf area index (LAI) and root weight were lower under SSNM than those under FFP before panicle initiation, but the results were reversed after heading stage. 穗分化前实地氮肥管理水稻叶面积指数和根质量低于农民习惯施肥法,抽穗后结果则相反。
- Leaf area index(LAI) was measured with an LAI-2000 plant canopy analyzer. The spectral measurements were made with a handheld ADS spectroradiometer,which covers wavelengths from 350 nm to 2500 nm with 2215 bands. 叶面积指数是由LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪监测的,光谱测量是由覆盖了350-2500 nm波长范围共2215个波段的ADS便携式高光谱仪完成的。
- The results showed that, as the increment of density, the population leaf area index (LAI) , net canopy photosynthetic rate(NCP) and canopy leaf source capacity (CLSC) increased before anthesis, but decreased quickly during grainfilling. 随着密度增加 ,开花前的叶面积指数 (L AI)、群体净光合速率 (NCP)、群体叶源量 (CL SC)提高 ,但生育后期衰减较快 ;
- Short day-length resulted in the decrease of whole growth stages, plant height at maturity stage, stem diameters and maximum leaf area index (LAI) in the tested adzuki bean cultivars. 短日处理使供试红小豆的生育期缩短、株高降低、茎粗和生育期间最大LAI变小,且表现为短日处理强度和处理时间的剂量效应。
- Sensitivity of Tropical Land Climate to Leaf Area Index: Role of Surface Conductance versus Albedo. 热带陆地气候对叶面积指数的敏感性:地面传导与反照率的作用。
- Spatial distributions and relationship between wheat leaf area index and yield were analyzed using geostatistics and correlation analysis methods. 摘要运用地统计学和相关分析法探讨了小麦叶面积指数与产量的空间分布及关系。
- Increasing rates of community aboveground net biomass and leaf area index displayed the same trend as maximum photosynthetic rate. 矮嵩草种群季节内的光合作用能力与群落的生产力密切相关。
- Based on the data of flue-cured tobacco leaf area index change under different soil moisture,the growth models of tobacco leaf area index was studied. 以不同土壤水分处理条件下烤烟叶面积指数的变化为基础,对烤烟叶面积指数增长模型进行了优化研究。
- Determining an Optimum Cutting Time of Herbage by Leaf Area Index 依据叶面积指数确定牧草适刈期
- The plant height, stem width, leaf area index, and the percent in the whole plant of N, P_2O_5, and K_2O were improved significantly compared with that without plastic-film. 合理的氮磷配比能促进玉米植株氮磷钾养分含量、营养生长指标、生物产量、品质指标产量的提高,氮和磷对营养生长指标、生物产量和品质指标产量的提高作用为N>P_2O_5,氮磷交互各处理中,N200P_2O_5150处理各指标表现得最好。
- Compared with the CRMS, the height, leaf area index and biomass of rice in IRDFS decreased and there was a significant difference during the tillering and heading stage. 与常规水稻栽培方式相比,鸭稻共作方式下水稻株高、叶面积指数、生物量有减小的趋势,而且在有效分蘖期和幼穗分化期存在着显著或极显著差异。
- F1 hybrids also exhibited large leaf area index, earlier heading, taller plant, longer and heavier panicle in comparison with mid-parent and check varieties. F1在叶面积指数,生育日数,株高,穗长与穗重等性状,对中间亲本及对照品种而言,亦均显示不同程度之杂种优势。
- The simulation results indicated that CERES-Wheat model underestimated leaf area index and aboveground biomass of wheat under water stress and the difference between simulated and observed value was relatively significant. 结果表明,在水分胁迫条件下,CERES-Wheat模型明显低估了冬小麦的叶面积指数和地上部分生物量,模拟的准确度不够高。
- In this paper, CERES-Wheat model was run to simulate leaf area index, aboveground biomass, stems per square meter, phenology and growth duration of winter wheat under water-limited condition and the simulated data was compared with the observed data. 本文利用该模型对限水条件下冬小麦的叶面积指数、地上部分生物量、茎蘖数、物候期和生育期进行了逐日动态模拟,并将模拟结果与实测数据进行了比较。
- Per ha forest has a leaf area of 144563 m~2,with a leaf area index of 14. 5 m~2/m~2. At the same time,this paper also make a discussion on the diameter-class distribution structure and vertical structure of the yield of the arbor layer. 每公顷叶面积144563m~2;叶面积指数为14.;5m~2/m~2。 同时还讨论了林分乔木层产量的径级分布结构和垂直结构。