- optimal operation area 最佳作业域
- Modern vitrectomy is optimal operation for PVR. 现代玻璃体手术是治疗严重 PVR的理想术式。
- Not allowed to enter crane operating area. 禁止进入吊装工作区域。
- The optimal operating conditions were found. 用电子计算机求出了最优解,即乙烯单耗最低时的操作条件。
- The small family housing construction area, the new operation area occupy the housing construction area above 47%. 中小户型住宅施工面积、新开工面积均占住宅施工面积的47%25以上。
- Giblets processing room separated room from the slaughter operation area shall be set up for the processing ofgiblets. 三杂碎处理洗涤室:应独立隔间并与屠宰作业部门隔离。
- The surgery by paravertebral approach had a relative safe operation area,which was similar to a triangle. 经椎旁入路手术存在一可供手术的操作区,该区域类似三角形。
- Thus the optimal operation of the step reservoir system in the basin can be realized. 优化系统数据传输模式,提高系统的可靠性,使其更好地为流域梯级水库群的优化调度服务。
- Isser wanted us to look over the operational area immediately. 伊塞要我们马上去俯看一下行动区。
- A group of optimal operation parameters were gotten by using some different criterions. 在分类操作中通过选用不同的判据得到几组最优运行工况。
- You can cover operated area with icebag in first 24 hours. 头24小时内可以冷敷,有利于止血、消肿。
- Each gallium oxide thin film prepared in different deposition rate has its own optimal operation temperature. 不同的蒸镀速度所制备之氧化镓薄膜,有不同的最佳感测温度。
- The physical symptoms presented among these women were arm numbness on the operation side, fatigue, and loss of sensation in the operation area. 乳癌术后妇女之身体症状与生理功能调适、自我概念调适、角色功能调适、相互依赖调适及整体身心社会调适各构面,均呈显著负相关。
- Presents an optimal operation model for an ice harvester system in consideration of the special features of the refrigeration machine. 针对冰片滑落式蓄冷系统的特点,提出一种考虑负荷影响的冰蓄冷系统优化运行方式。
- A white rot fungus biomembrane reactor system was set up,and the optimal operation parameters of the reactor system were ascertained. 建立了白腐真菌生物膜反应器,并对其运行参数进行了调试优化。
- Series grade cleanroom or clean operating areas. 适用于各种级别净化室或净化操作场所。
- It covers a total operating area of 13,000 m2, and has 111 rooms and suites. 酒店营业面积为13000平方米,拥有各类客房地产111余间(套),其中欧式、日式、复合式特色套房多套。
- As a case study, the optimal operation of Nishan reservoir is analyzed, which brings about tremendous social and economic benefits. 经曲阜市尼山水库的实例验证,该成果具有明显的经济社会效益。
- The result shows that the optimal operation cost of oil pipeline after depressant injection is reduced by 8. 17% compared to ... 实例计算结果表明;加剂后管道的最佳运行费用比加剂前减少了8.;17%25;认为最佳运行方案可以用于指导原油管道的实际生产运行。
- The root cause of accidents on punch press device is due to the equipments defect,safety deviceunreliability and unsuitable arrangement of operation area. 冲压设备事故的根本原因在于设备缺陷、安全装置不可靠以及作业场地布置不合理。