- optical switching network 光交换网络
- electric-controlled all optical switched networks 电控全光交换网络
- Impact of configurating time for optical switching matrix on performance of optical burst switching networks 光突发交换中交换矩阵配置时间的影响研究
- A device that links any two half-paths in a switching network. 在交换网络中,连接任意两条半通路的一种装置。
- A short block of data transmitted in a packet switching network. 一小股一束短的资料,在一束转换网络系统中传输
- Fast Optical Switch Based on Bacteriorhodopsin Film[J]. 引用该论文 杨文正;陈烽;冯晓强;杨青;侯洵.
- Universal switch network and signal modulate circuit are designed. 设计了通用的通道开关网络和信号调理电路。
- An optical interconnection link based on MEMS 4x4 optical switch and PCI bus ONIC (optical network interface card) with hardware routing has been designed. 利用MEMS 4×4光开关和具有硬件路由功能的光互连网络PCI总线接口卡(ONIC)构成光互连链路。
- It can also combine optical switching with the ATM(Asyn-chronous Transfer Model)switching when the speed of optical beam deflection reaches a level of nanosecond. So it can fulfil the demand for switching needed by high speed rate information network. 当光束偏转速度达到纳秒级时,该网络又可将光交换与ATM(异步转移模式)交换相结合,从而满足高速信息网络对交换的要求。
- A traveling wave GaAs heterostructure BOA type optical switch is designed. 设计了行波电极型GaAs异质结材料BOA光开关 ;
- Optical switch using nonlinear material (NLM) plays an important role. 在此方案中,使用非线性材料的光开关发挥了重要作用。
- Optical switch is a very important and wide application photonics device. 光开关是最重要的、也是应用最广泛的光子学器件。
- In the core router for optical burst switching network,multi-classes traffic wilt use differential probability to choose output port for transmission due to the choosing of different routing. 在光突发交换网络的核心路由器中,多等级业务会由于选择路由的不同而采用不同的概率选择输出端口进行输出。
- They should also be able to explain briefly the use of packets in data transfer in a packet switching network. 学生亦应能概述数据包在数据包交接网络中传送数据的作用。
- Thought to be the next big wave, MEMS-based optical switching devices fizzled when the telecommunications market imploded. 随著电讯市场萎缩,曾经被认为是下一波热门产品的MEMS光学交换设备也跟著消失。
- Thus, in the byways of the telephone switching network, the first electrical self was born. 就这样,就在电话交换网络的两面交锋中,第一个电学意义上的自我诞生了。
- Performance of router will be enhanced by adopting parallel processing, optical switching and NPU in the future. 未来路由器将采用并行处理;光交换和网络处理器等技术以进一步提高路由器的性能.
- In this paper, a quick and practical fault diagnosing algorithm for the Space-Division digital switching network of SPC switching system is proposed. 本文针对程控数字交换机中一类典型的空分数字交换网络,提出了一个快速、实用的故障诊断算法。
- In this dissertation, a BOA-type waveguide optic switch with double-heterostructure GaAs/GaALAs has been researched. 本文在GaAs/GaAlAs双异质结材料上采用BOA型结构进行波导型光开关的集成光学芯片的研制。
- Transferring the multimedia, like voice and video over the TCP/IP in the packet switching network has become the mainstream of the world. 在基于TCP/IP的分组交换网络上提供语音、视频等多媒体数据的VoIP成为当前网络发展的主流。