- Influence of Optical Source Spectrum on Optical Fiber F-P Strain Sensor[J]. 引用该论文 孙吉勇;陈伟民;朱永;黄尚廉.
- Compared with other optic source, the set has smaller volume, lower price, more convenient operation and less maintenance cost. 与其它光源相比,整机体积小,价格低,使用简单,维修费用低。
- METHODS: To develop an optic source of which the main emitting peak corresponds with the absorbing peak of Chlorophyll derivative (CPD4) and determine its characterization. 方法:研制出发射光主峰与光敏剂叶绿素衍生物4号吸收峰一致的特异治疗光源并检测其性能。
- A refractive index in the supersaturated solution of LiIO 3 was measured by Abbe Refractometer,in which,the He Ne laser was adopted as a optical source. 以He?Ne激光为光源,用阿贝折射仪测定了碘酸锂过饱和溶液的折射率。
- For an SOA with an active region with a wide material gain spectrum,an optimal antireflection coating helps to realize an SOA-based incoherent optical source with a high... 而在采用具有宽带材料增益谱的有源区基础上;结合抗反膜的优化设计;则可以获得既宽又平坦的非相干光源.
- For an SOA with an active region with a wide material gain spectrum, an optimal antireflection coating helps to realize an SOA-based incoherent optical source with a high bandwidth and good flatness. 而在采用具有宽带材料增益谱的有源区基础上,结合抗反膜的优化设计,则可以获得既宽又平坦的非相干光源。
- In this case the information source provides an electrical signal to a transmitter comprising an electrical stage which drives an optical source to give modulation of the lightwave carrier. 在这种情况下,信源给发射机提供一个电信号,发射机中的电路驱动光源以实现对光载波的调制。
- Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive cross-sectional imaging technique that uses a low-coherence optical source to perform coherence domain reflectometry of tissue microstructure. 光学相干层析成像是一种新型成像技术。
- Analysis in frequency domain is important to the design of depolarizer for multiple longitudinal mode optical sources. 这种分析方法对于多纵模光源消偏器的设计有参考意义。
- Coherent Length of Optical Source in OCT Imaging OCT中光源相干长度的确定
- spectrum width of optical source 光源谱宽
- His optic nerve was hurt in an accident. 他的视神经在一次事故中受到损伤。
- Microscopes and telescopes are optical instruments. 望远镜和显微镜是光学仪器。
- In addition, methods acquiring complex amplitude of light-wave and reconstructing original image with digital hologram are analyzed, which can be used for reconstruction of optical sources. 分析了用数字全息图探测光波复振幅的方法,探讨了数字全息再现原始像的方法,并将其应用于光源的重构。
- The optic theory originated with Einstein. 光学理论是爱因斯坦首创的。
- Summary: -Lead Passive Optics Sourcing &SQE team to reach or exceed the goals &objectives for the group. Define sourci...... ... 公司名称:捷迪讯通讯技术(深圳)有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-7-11
- A mirage is an optical illusion. 海市蜃楼是一种视错觉。
- The escalating cost of these tools for conventional optical and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography is driven in part by the need for complex optical sources and optics. 压印系统之对位重点有二:其一为晶圆面与母模之平行度,其中将采用气压方式使之自动平行校准;
- A system of optical components that magnifies. 能起放大作用的一组光学元件
- Showing no optical activity in polarized light. 无旋光的极化光下无光学反应的