- optical science division 光学科学部
- Ripley: You also forgot the Science Division's basic quarantine law. 里普利:你还忘记了科学部的基本检疫法律。
- The Forensic Science Division of the Government Laboratory provides a specialist scientific service to the criminal justice system in Hong Kong. 政府化验所辖下的法证事务部为本港的刑事司法制度,提供专业的科学鉴定服务。
- Stealth engine is key point in the design of stealth aircraft and it involves such technology application as pneunatio, material and optic science. 发动机隐身是隐身飞机设计中的难点之一,它涉及气动、料和电子等学科的技术应用。
- Dr. Mario Livio is the head of the Science Division for the Hu le ace Telescope. 马里奥。里维奥是哈勃太空望远镜科学部的部长。
- Stevens, director of the mathematics and computer science division at Argonne, and Thomas A. Stevens),以及美国伊利诺大学芝加哥校区的电子可视化实验室主管狄方提(ThomasA.
- Dr. Mario Livio is the head of the Science Division for the Hubble Space Telescope. 马里奥·里维奥是哈勃太空望远镜科学部的部长。
- Import veterinarians work with Disease Control, Laboratories Directorate, the Risk Assessment Unit (Science Division) and Canadian industry sectors. 进口方面的兽医负责协同疾病控制、实验室董事会、风险评估企业(科学部门)和加拿大产业部门。
- Stan D.Wullschleger.a , Kell B.Wilson.b , Paul J.Hanson.a , a: Environmental Sciences Division, P. 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- Shen, a member of ORNL's Condensed Matter Sciences Division, is being cited for his pioneering approach to the study of magnetism in nanostructured materials synthesis. 沈,美国国立橡树岭实验所科学领域的精英之一,是研究原料合成磁学的领先人物。
- His optic nerve was hurt in an accident. 他的视神经在一次事故中受到损伤。
- After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Rhode Island, he joined Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1976 as a scientist in the newly formed oceanographic sciences division. 1976年,佛高斯基加入美国布鲁克海文国家实验室新成立的海洋科学组。
- Microscopes and telescopes are optical instruments. 望远镜和显微镜是光学仪器。
- Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona 亚利桑那光学科学中心
- The optic theory originated with Einstein. 光学理论是爱因斯坦首创的。
- A mirage is an optical illusion. 海市蜃楼是一种视错觉。
- A system of optical components that magnifies. 能起放大作用的一组光学元件
- Showing no optical activity in polarized light. 无旋光的极化光下无光学反应的
- The optical system of the eye stimulate cell of the retina. 眼睛的视觉系统刺激视网膜内的细胞。
- I thought I saw a ghost but it was just an optical illusion. 我以为我看见鬼了,其实只是一种幻觉。