- optical glass blank 光学玻璃毛坯
- Optical glass of low dispersion and low refractive index. 低色散、低折射率光学玻璃。
- Optical glass waveguides microcopy is a new promising technology based on SPM. 摘要光波导显微术是在表面等离子波显微术(SPM)基础上的一项新技术。
- Purpose: Used in nuclear power, enamel, optic glass, booster solvent. 用途:用作核工业、瓷工业、学玻璃制造业,并可用作助熔剂。
- Application: Used in special optical glass, Ceramic, Electric industry. 用途:产品用于光学玻璃,陶瓷,电子工业等。
- Shanghai Aomei Optical Glasses Co., Ltd. 上海奥美光学眼镜有限公司。
- The measurement of refractive index inhomogeneity of optical glass with laser hol lography was presented. 介绍了用激光全息照相测量光学玻璃的折射率不均匀性的方法。
- Application: For lithium tantalate single crystal and additive in special optical glass. 用途:产品用于生产钽酸锂晶体和特种光学玻璃添加剂。
- Dedicated to the jade crystal, agate, gems, optical glass, ceramics, silicon material cutting. 专用于玉石水晶、玛瑙、宝石、光学玻璃、陶瓷、硅等材料的切割加工。
- BOL devices and ordinary optical glass have different Abbe number and relative aberration. 介绍了二元光学器件的阿贝数和相对色散与普通光学玻璃的差别。
- K9 optical glass is widely used in crystal imitation artware, camera and telescope lens. K9光学玻璃广泛应用于仿水晶工艺品及摄像机、照相机、望远镜镜头。
- User::Widely used in the polishing of optical glass, all kinds of eyeglass and crystalline craftwork. 用途:用于光学玻璃、各种镜片以及水晶工艺品的抛光。
- Application: For lithium niobate single crystal and additive in special optical glass. 用途:产品用于生产铌酸锂晶体和特种光学玻璃添加剂。
- Lens are made of optical glass and should be cleaned with cloth made of special materials. 镜头都是由光学玻璃制成的,要用特殊材质的镜布来擦。
- Looking for glass paperweight kits, containing glass blanks, stick-on felt backing and boxed packaging ... 查看“包装印刷纸业-包装材料-手挽袋”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- Our filter production includes color and uncolored optical glass with the transmission wavelengths ranging from180 nm to2500 nm. 亚光生产的滤光片有无色光学玻璃,有色光学玻璃,透过波长从180纳米到2500纳米之间。
- We can according to the spectram characteristic that the customers demand, useing coloured optical glass material, to produce all kinds of filters. 我们可根据客户要求的光谱特性,制成各种规格的滤光片。
- Techno also specialise in Optic Glass industry equipment such as taping machine, coating machine, ultrasonic washing machine, scrath proof test machine and etc. 我们为客户提供镜片制造业的多种设备:镀膜机,超声波清洗机,耐磨试验机,镜片切割机等专机。
- Our filter production includes color and uncolored optical glass with the transmission wavelengths ranging from 180nm to 2500nm. 亚光生产的滤光片有无色光学玻璃,有色光学玻璃,透过波长从180纳米到2500纳米之间。
- Ceramic thermal resistor,voltage-sensitive resistor,MLC,PZT high perfomance ceramic dielectric materials,optical glass,sintered carbides,etc. 热敏陶瓷电阻、压敏电阻MLC、PZT等,高性能陶瓷介质材料,也用于制造超硬合金,光学玻璃等。