- The two clouds of oppositely charged particles are then superimposed by adjusting electrical fields in a cylindrical "mixing trap" lined with detectors. 相对的充满粒子的二团云然后在与探测器相连的圆筒形“混合线圈”中受电场调整为分层。
- In an aerosol containing equal numbers of charged particles of both signs, the diffusive encounters for oppositely charged particles are more effective than for uncharged particles. 若气溶胶中含有等量正负带电粒子,那么正负带电粒子间的扩散碰撞比非带电粒子更容易实现。
- oppositely charged particles 电荷相反的粒子
- Either of two oppositely charged terminals,as in an electric cell or battery. 电极两个带相反电荷的电极中的任一个,如在电池或蓄电池中
- Either of two oppositely charged terminals, as in an electric cell or battery. 电极两个带相反电荷的电极中的任一个,如在电池或蓄电池中
- After development, the paths of electrically charged particles appeared. 显影以后,就显示出带电粒子的径迹来。
- Orbiting the nucleus are negatively charged particles called electrons. 围绕核子旋转的是带负荷的粒子,即电子。
- The dipole molecule happens when a molecule has oppositely charged ends or “poles”. 当分子具有带相反电荷的两端或“两极”时形成偶极分子。
- In short, it is a bond formed by the attraction between two oppositely charged ions. 这一过程称为 电离 。电离过程所需或放出的能量称为 电离能 。
- It involves the same parameter as that involved in the enhancement factor for coagulation of two equally charged particles. 它包含了与两个相等带电粒子凝聚增强因子中所包含的同样参数。
- The Van Allen belts are composed of charged particles trapped by the earth's magnetic field. 范阿伦带由地球磁场俘获的带电粒子所组成。
- A continuous stream of charged particles, called the solar wind, impinges on the earth's magnetosphere. 称作太阳风的连续带电子流撞击在地球的磁层上。
- Like charges repel each other, but opposite charges attract. 同种电荷互相排斥,但异种电荷却互相吸引。
- In this, an electrically charged syringe squirts a polymer mixed with a solvent towards an oppositely charged electrode. 还有一种方法,其渊源可以追溯到上世纪30年代,就是依靠所谓的电子纺线系统。
- While wanting to recombine, unbound electrons also lose some of their kinetic energy through inelastic collisions with other charged particles. 自由电子在复合之前,会与其它带电粒子发生非弹性碰撞而损失其中一部分动能。
- What ACE detected was a violent gust of "solar wind", the constant flow of charged particles from the sun. ACE探测到的是一股凶猛的“太阳风”,即不断从太阳中流出的带电粒子。
- The ultrathin multilayer films were built-up b y self-assemble of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution.Its structure can be designed at molecular scale. 相反电荷的聚电解质在溶液中通过静电相互作用自组装形成超薄多层膜,这种膜的结构可实现分子水平上的控制。
- The ultrathin multilayer films were built-up by self-assemble of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution.Its structure can be designed at molecular scale. 相反电荷的聚电解质在溶液中通过静电相互作用自组装形成超薄多层膜,这种膜的结构可实现分子水平上的控制。
- That electrically charged particles reside within atoms had been surmised since the time of Faraday. 从法拉第的时代起,人们就已推测到,在原子内存在着带电的粒子。
- The preparation of polyacrylamide (PAM) barium-alginate gels by selecting oppositely charged PAM is introduced and compared with ordinary barium-alginate gels. 通过选择与所固定细胞表面所带相反电荷的聚丙烯酰胺(简称PAM)制成PAM-海藻酸钡复合凝胶,并与普通海藻酸钡凝胶进行比较。