- opposite leaf method 对叶法
- Peroxidase activity in the pedicel abscission zone of young cotton boll was promoted either by removing the opposite leaf, removing stigma, or spraying ethrel on the flower. 使用去叶、阻止受精或乙烯利处理花朵的方法,诱发棉花幼铃脱落,铃柄离区的过氧化物酶活性增加,到脱落前达到最高值。
- Leaves a positive acceptance of sunlight every day, and more will be green, opposite leaves loose cell row, the gap, and less chlorophyll, the leaf color in a negative light. 叶子正面每天都接受阳光照射多也就绿,叶子反面细胞排的比较松散,空隙大,叶绿素也少,所以叶子反面的颜色比较浅。
- Any of various plants of the genus Salvia, having aromatic greyish-green, opposite leaves used as a cooking herb. 鼠尾草属植物,尤指唇型鼠尾草,有褐绿色对生的叶子,有香气。
- A perennial, aromatic eastern North American plant(Monarda punctata) having opposite leaves and yellowish flowers with purple spots. 香蜂草产于北美东部地区的一种多年生的具有芳香气味的植物(香蜂草香蜂草属),有对生叶子,开微黄色而带紫色小点的花
- An evergreen shrub(Catha edulis) native to tropical East Africa, having dark green opposite leaves that are chewed fresh for their stimulating effects. 阿拉伯茶一种常绿灌木丛(阿拉伯茶阿拉伯茶属)原产于东非热带地区,叶深绿色,对生,生嚼时具有刺激作用
- An annual Eurasian plant(Plantago psyllium)having opposite leaves and small flowers borne in dense spikes. 蚤草一年生的欧亚植物(亚麻籽车前草车前草属)有对生叶片,浓密的穗中长有小花
- An annual Eurasian plant (Plantago psyllium) having opposite leaves and small flowers borne in dense spikes. 蚤草:一年生的欧亚植物(亚麻籽车前草车前草属)有对生叶片,浓密的穗中长有小花
- The synergism of chlorfluazuron and alphacypermethrin against Plutella xyllostella L. was measured with immerge leafs method, and the best ratio was confirmed. 采用浸叶法测定了定虫隆与高效氯氰菊酯混配后对防治小菜蛾3龄幼虫的增效作用及两种药剂混配的最佳配比。
- An annual Eurasian plant(Plantago psyllium) having opposite leaves and small flowers borne in dense spikes. 蚤草一年生的欧亚植物(亚麻籽车前草车前草属)有对生叶片,浓密的穗中长有小花
- Any of various North American plants of the genus Phlox, having opposite leaves and flowers with a variously colored salverform corolla. 福禄考一种福禄考属北美植物,有对生的叶子和花,并有多种颜色的管状花冠
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- Cymes opposite leaves, 4-5 cm, densely yellow pubescent, with peduncle 1-3 cm, with 4 obviously whorled branches. 聚伞花序与叶对生,4-5厘米,密被黄色短柔毛,有花序梗1-3厘米,有4个明显轮生的分支。
- A perennial,aromatic eastern North American plant(Monarda punctata) having opposite leaves and yellowish flowers with purple spots. 香蜂草产于北美东部地区的一种多年生的具有芳香气味的植物(香蜂草香蜂草属),有对生叶子,开微黄色而带紫色小点的花
- Any of several shrubs of the genus Ligustrum, especially L. vulgare or L. ovalifolium, having opposite leaves and clusters of white flowers and widely used for hedges. 女贞女贞属一种灌木,尤指欧洲女贞或女贞,叶对生,有簇生的白花,多用作绿篱
- Any of various North American plants of the genus Phlox,having opposite leaves and flowers with a variously colored salverform corolla. 福禄考一种福禄考属北美植物,有对生的叶子和花,并有多种颜色的管状花冠
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- Any of various shrubs of the genus Hydrangea,having opposite leaves and large,flat - topped or rounded clusters of white,pink,or blue flowers. 绣球属植物多种绣球属植物的一种,叶对生,花呈白色、粉色、或蓝色,花簇大、顶部平或圆
- Any of various shrubs of the genus Hydrangea, having opposite leaves and large, flat-topped or rounded clusters of white, pink, or blue flowers. 绣球属植物多种绣球属植物的一种,叶对生,花呈白色、粉色、或蓝色,花簇大、顶部平或圆
- Any of various shrubs or vines of the genus Lonicera, having opposite leaves, fragrant, usually paired tubular flowers, and small berries. 忍冬一种忍冬属的灌木或藤本植物,有对生叶,芳香的常成对的管状花和小浆果