- Officials in Cologne, where the couple lived, turned down their reque Cunt , saying that this name would not be accepted in their home country. 这对夫妇住在科隆,当地官员拒绝了他们的要求,称这个名字在他们自己的国家(土耳其)将无法被人接受。
- Former French settlers in Algerian - they were called "pied-noirs", or "black feet", are returning in their tens of thousands to visit what many of them see as their home country. 成千上万的曾被称为“黑脚”的前法国殖民者,如今又回到阿尔及利亚,探望这片他们一度视为家乡的土地。
- All students at the UWB Business School are enrolled identically, whether they are studying in their home country on UWB Global programmes, or are physically attending classes at the School itself. 英国威尔士班戈大学的所有学生都是平等的,无论他们是在海外还是在英国本土就读班戈大学研究生课程,都享有同等地位。
- Moreover, they suggest that trends in production technology and practice raise the possibility that MNCs may actually begin to reconcentrate their activities in their home country. 再者,制程技术的演进将造成跨国企业实际上倾全力着手在母国从事生产活动的可能性。
- They were cited for their efforts to help "create economic and social development from below" in their home country by using innovative economic programs such as microcredit lending. 他们是因为在自己的国家用象小额信贷这种自己独创的经济项目“自下层为建立经济和社会发展所做的努力”而受到表彰的。
- These legions were all closely linked to fascist or right-wing nationalist groups in their home countries. 这些军团和法西斯或者本国的民族主义者的关系都很亲密。
- Lord, please help them continue to seek your ways in their home countries and bring them safely to Bendigo. 求神继续的带领他们,将他们平安的带回本地哥。
- Some may have already graduated, while some are still having their clerkship and/or teaching at hospitals in their home countries. 一些已经毕业的学生,已经在他们自己的国家的医院工作或者教学。
- In the first section, the author thinks that the literary position of Donne and that of Wang Wei in their home countries are alike. 第一节论述邓恩和王维在各自国家文学史上原有和应有的地位。两位诗人的传统定位比较相似,都属于“二流大诗人”,这主要是种种历史和政治原因所致。
- Applicants may be told to undertake costly travel and submit their paperwork at Chinese embassies in their home countries. 那些已适应了快速签证的生意人如今正忍受签证延宕甚至被拒的痛苦。
- In their home countries, women interviewed for the report often received unequal pay compared to men and were more often employed in unregulated industries. 在她们的祖国,接受过这份报告访谈的妇女薪资皆因性别而有差别待遇,也较常在没有纪律的产业工作。
- The nurse visits patients in their homes. 护士对病人进行家访。
- But there is also an internal brain drain, Bangsberg said, where talented people who train in rural settings such as Mbarara stay in their home countries but move to the big city. 另一方面也存在着国内的人才流失,像一些在姆巴拉拉这样在乡村的大学受到培训的人,他们虽然留在了本国,但他们都搬到大的城市去了。
- They grow rice in their home town. 他们在家乡种水稻。
- Eligible movies must be produced in a language other than English,and must have played in commercial theatres in their home countries for at least seven days between November 2002 and September 2003 to qualify for the awards. 符合评选条件的电影必须是非英语的,而且必须在2002年11月和2003年9月之间在当地电影院放映7天以上。
- Eligible movies must be produced in a language other than English, and must have played in commercial theatres in their home countries for at least seven days between November 2002 and September 2003 to qualify for the awards. 符合评选条件的电影必须是非英语的,而且必须在2002年11月和2003年9月之间在当地电影院放映7天以上。
- Lead-based paint is the primary cause of lead poisoning for both U.S. and foreign-born children in New York City, but immigrant children may face additional lead threats in their home countries. 铅基油漆是首要原因,铅中毒对美国和外国出生的儿童在纽约市,但移民的子女可能面临更多的威胁,导致其原居国。
- Most senators find out which way the wind blows in their home state before voting on bills in Congress. 多数参议员们在国会里投票表决法案时,都知道他们所代表的本州人的意愿。
- They have some beautiful pieces(= works of art, etc.)in their home. 他们家中珍藏了一些精美的艺术品。
- People will have robots in their homes. 将来人们家里将有机器人。