- There is no unanimity among surgeons concerning the most effective and safest operative techniques. 关于最有效与最安全的手术方法,在外科医师中尚无一致认识。
- Objective:To investigate surgical indications and operative techniques of intracranial arachnoid cysts(IAC). 目的:探讨颅内蛛网膜囊肿(IAC)有效的手术方式及手术指征。
- Objective To probe into the surgical appraches and operative techniques for substernal thyroid goiter. 目的探讨胸骨后甲状腺肿瘤切除手术入路及方法。
- Aim To investigate the operative techniques and results of correction of senile spastic entropion of lower lid. 目的探讨老年性痉挛性下睑内翻的手术方法和效果。
- Objective To summarize the operative techniques and experiences of primary hyperparathyroidism(PHPT). 目的探讨原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症的手术探查技巧和经验教训。
- Objective To study the operative techniques and effects of the microvascular decompression for the treatment of the primary trigeminal neuralgia. 目的探讨原发性三叉神经痛显微外科手术方法和效果。
- Objective To explore the operative results of removing craniospinal junction lesions and to modify some operative techniques. 目的探讨枕下极外侧入路切除颅颈交界区腹侧病变的效果,并对一些手术技巧加以改进和讨论。
- OBJECTIVE To Study the surgical approaches and operative techniques for removal of substernal thyroid neoplasms in the old patients. 摘要目的探讨老年胸骨后甲状腺肿瘤的手术入路方法。
- Abstract Objective The microneurosurgery operative techniques were modified to improve the outcome of patients with intracranial giant aneurysms. 摘要 目的 改进颅内巨大动脉瘤的显微手术技术,以提高颅内巨大动脉瘤的治疗效果。
- To avoid repetition in other chapters, two operative techniques common to many procedures, fixation of tendons or fascia to bone and bone grafting, are also described. 为了避免在其他章节重述,肌腱或筋膜固定至骨的方法及骨移植这两种在许多手术中常用的技术也在本章加以描述。
- Background: Different operative techniques for transfer of the pectoralis major tendon have been proposed for the treatment of irreparable ruptures of the subscapularis tendon. 背景:在治疗不能修补的肩胛下腱断裂时已经提出了不同的转移胸大肌腱的方法。
- An operation technique in which there are no stops between the assembling, loading and execution of a computer program. 一种操作技术,使一个计算机程序的汇编、装入和执行连续地进行。
- Objective:To explore the operative technique of parasagittal meningiomas. 目的:探讨矢状窦旁脑膜瘤的手术方法与技巧。
- Study the principle and the operational techniques of micro-Kjeldahl method. 学习凯氏定氮法的原理和操作技术。
- Objective To discuss the effects and the main operative techniques of laparoscopic highly selective vagotomy(LHSV) in the treatment of perforating duodenal ulcer. 目的探讨腹腔镜下高选择性胃迷走神经切断术(LHSV)治疗穿孔性十二指肠溃疡的操作要点和有效性。
- Summary of Background Data.There is a paucity of literature regarding the surgical treatment of Scheuermann's kyphosis using current implant systems and operative techniques. 背景数据信息概要:采用现行的内固定系统和操作技术手术治疗绍伊尔曼脊柱后凸的相关文献甚少。
- Purpose:To investigate the indications, operation techniques and clinical effects of modified Indiana pouch. 目的 :探讨改良Indiana膀胱术的适应证、手术方法并对疗效进行评估。
- Objective To improve the operative technique of endoscopic middle meatal antrostomy. 目的探讨更为完善的上颌窦自然孔开窗术。
- Objective: To investigate the surgical indication and operative technique of intracranial arachnoid cysts. 目的:探讨颅内蛛网膜囊肿(IAC)的手术指征和手术方法。
- The analysis of the chemisorption bond has been carried out by means of projection operator techniques. 通过用射影算子方法,我们对所有原子簇模型中的化学吸附键进行了分析。