- Operation against rules and regulations may cost one's life sometimes. 违章操作有时会让人付出生命的代价。
- Analysis for "Mental Safety Area" Issue of Operation against Rules in Coal Mine 对煤矿违章操作背后的"心理安全区"问题分析
- Secret Service operated against the country. 战争期间,情报机关展开了对敌行动。
- Weigh the advantages of the operation against the risks involved. 仔细考虑做这种手术的好处与危险。
- The police have launched a major operation against drug suppliers. 警方发动了一次打击毒贩的大规模行动。
- The Secret Service operated against the enemy during the Second World War. 在二次大战期间,情报局有计划地展开了反敌活动。
- The new law operates against us. 这一新法令对我们不利。
- These features operate against the public interest. 这些特性将会影响公众利益。
- Logically, advocates of land privatization base their illogical argument on the premise of a false proposition and go against rules of inference. 然其论证不能令人信服,表现在逻辑上,土地私有化论者以假命题做前提,同时违反推理规则,论证混乱;
- Management wants increased productivity from its workers and has shown a willingness to fight against rules or benefits that it believes are detrimental to this end. 资方要求工人提高生产率,并且表示愿意进行斗争,以反对他们认为有违这一目标的规定或福利待遇。
- The frontier forces had to operate against the invading army. 边防部队不得不对入侵之敌作战。
- You could operate against the main line of the railway from there. 你从那里可以袭击铁路干线。
- The script then uses the XMLHttpRequest object to perform an HTTP operation against a server. 然后,该脚本使用XMLHttpRequest对象对服务器执行HTTP操作。
- The military operation against the gunmen attack in Pakistan's Lahore ended Monday after about 8 hours of gun battle. 30日,经过近8个小时的交火,巴基斯坦在警察培训中心围剿武装分子的行动宣告结束。
- If there, it is a tune and a cover-up operation against: Zhenyi, to whitewash, Zuozuo less, not to show off it. 如果要说有,也不过是和障眼法反一调:有真意,去粉饰,少做作,勿卖弄而已。”
- The frontier forces had to operate against the invaders. 边防军不得不对入侵敌人作战。
- His actions operated against the principles of freedom. 他的行为与自由的原则相违背。
- The secret service operated against the enemy during the war. 在战争期间对敌方展开地下工作。
- Mount intelligence-led operations against drug traffickers. 以情报为主导的行动打击毒贩。
- The police seized some $6 million worth of betting slips in a territory-wide operation against soccer bookmaking. 警方在一个全港大型反赌波行动中检获约值六百万波缆。