- From the computerization of daily trading record to information system for operating decision, and making strategy, AIS becomes more importance in enterprise not only for accounting purpose. 从单纯的处理交易帐务之电脑化、到资讯系统能支援经营决策、进而希望达到经营策略的运用。
- Thinking decision attitude, thought the decision operation decision habits, habits decide the outcome. 态度决定思想,思想决定行动,行动决定习惯,习惯决定结果。
- The operational decision to continue the approach by visual means, however, must be made before passing DH. 然而,以目视方法继续进近的运行决断,必须在通过决断高度之前做出。
- The Ship Operating Decision Support System 船舶运营决策支持系统
- The management purpose in providing cost information is con-cerned with managerial problem, that of formulating business policy and making operating decisions. 管理需要提供成本资料涉及一个管理方面的问题,即为了制定企业的经营方针和经营决策。
- The third purpose in providing cost information is concerned with another managerial problem, that of formulating business policy and making operating decisions. 提供成本资料的第三个原因还是涉及到管理方面的问题,即为了制定企业的经营方针和做出经营决策。
- National because operational decisions have to be taken at the country level. 这是因为,实施决定,必须在国家一级做出。
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。
- He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。
- His decision is made us feeling regretful. 他的决定令人感到遗憾。
- The temple will serve for an operating room. 那座庙将用来作为手术室。
- The panel brought in a unanimous decision. 全体陪审员一致通过了一项决定。
- It is imperative that we make a quick decision. 我们要尽快做出决定。
- Please elucidate the reasons for your decision. 请把你作出决定的理由解释清楚。
- The final decision rests with him. 最后决定取决于他。
- I am skilled in operating a computer. 我能够熟练操作计算机。
- The article proposes a model which is a combined application of ABC and EVA,It can overcome the defect of ABC and make the cost information more reliable for product pricing and operation decision. 文章提出了作业成本法与经济增加值结合的成本核算模型,克服了作业成本的内在缺陷,可以为商业银行的产品定价、经营决策提供更为可靠的成本信息。
- He sat up on the operating table. 他在手术台上坐了起来。
- A decision on this matter is pending. 此事即将作出决定。
- The company is operating outside the law. 公司未按法律规定运营。