- open universe model 开放宇宙模型
- In Britain, there are open universities. 在英国,有成人大学。
- Provided we make on further assumption, the Copernican principle leads to a rather similar universe model. 如果我们作出进一步的假设,哥白尼原理会导致一个相当类似的宇宙模式。
- She thought that the Open University course would be easy, but now has to admit that she's out of her depth. 她原以为开放大学课程会很容易的,但现在不得不承认她力所不及。
- The size of an open universe is infinite and its geometry will be similar to a hyperbolic surface. 开放宇宙是无限大的,而它的几何特性和双曲面相似。
- SCA gives us a universal model to define business services. SCA向我们提供了一个用于定义业务服务的通用模型。
- Cosmologists call negative curvature models of the universe open universes . 宇宙学家将负曲率的宇宙模型称作 开放的宇宙。
- Provides the technology to represent a universal model for data. 提供了一种用通用模型来表示数据的方法。
- English: 177. Provided we make on further assumption, the Copernican principle leads to a rather similar universe model. 中文:如果我们作出进一步的假设,哥白尼原理会导致一个相当类似的宇宙模式。
- Guide for Students(2nd Edition). Maidenhead: Open University Press. 二版),北京:北京大学出版社,2007年。
- On the other hand, if the mean density of mass-energy is too low, the Universe will keep on expanding forever, resulting in an open Universe. 相反,若质量能量的平均密度太低的话,宇宙会无休止地膨胀下去,成为一个开放的宇宙。
- To prove stationary objects in space in the distribution, according to the gravitational field, made a limited boundless static universe model, the model is unstable. 为了证明天体在空间中静止的分布,以引力场为根据,提出了一个有限无边的静止的宇宙模型,该模型是不稳定的。
- Keeping the Open University was a sop to the educational establishment. 维持公开大学是对教育机构的一种利诱。
- In the case of an open Universe, the mass density (denoted by the greek letter Omega) is less than unity, and the Universe is predicted to expand forever. 在一开放的宇宙里,质量密度(以希腊字母欧米加表示)是小于平均数,且宇宙被预言永远地膨胀下去。
- Distance education of Britain is famous for Open University in the would. 以英国开放大学为标志的英国远程教育在世界上享有很高声誉。
- Both the holographic universe model of Yuanji and the "big bang" theory of the west believe that the starting point of the evolution of universe is "Wu" and "You", and "You" grown out of "Wu". 元极宇宙全息模型与西方大爆炸宇宙模型都认为宇宙演化的起始范畴是“无、有”,“无中生有”。
- Corson, D. (1998). Change education for diversity. Buckingham: Open University. 张钿富(1995)。教育政策分析理论与实务。台北:五南。
- CIM definitions are written in Universal Modeling Language (UML). CIM的定义是用通用建模语言(UML)编写的。
- Philips E.M., Pugh D.S. How to Get a PHD. Second Edition. Open University Press,Buckingham,UK,1994. 梁柱.;论高等学校在未来终生教育体制中的地位和作用
- However, this framework is not a universal model for urban form, and is not infatuated with the Utopia of urban space structure. 该框架并非是一个普适的城市形态模式,没有流于对城市空间结构的迷恋和个人“乌托邦”。