- The acrobats performed on the open platform. 杂技演员在露天舞台上进行的表演。
- However, MYOP is a quite open platform. 不过, myop是个相当开放的平台。
- Further enhancing the value of data marts is the fact that vendors are demonstrating a commitment to open platform support and full scalability. 进一步增强数据集市的价值,就是这样一种事实,即各供应商正在表现他们对开放平台支持和完全的可扩性的承诺。
- The Internet offers an open platform for new E-commerce, removing the long lead times, asset specificity, and bilaterality of E-commerce based on the traditional proprietary EDI. 因特网为新的电子商务提供了一个开放的平台,去除了漫长的交订货时间,资产管理专业知识和基于传统专有电子数据交换平台电子商务的双边性。
- Welcome to 'Home for Anis !', an open platform to voice out problem happened to innocent animal in Hong Kong. 一个属于普罗大众,专为无辜动物发声的自由平台。
- TFS is endorsed by 12 alliances around the world providing a open platform for your overseas business. 货运峰会由全球12个货运协会一起组织,这是一个开发海外业务的公开平台。
- SDO Chen Tianqiao is ideal for accommodating all kinds of creative content of the open platform. SDO正是陈天桥理想中用于容纳各种创意内容的开放平台。
- EDMCNC system is built up based on HuaZhong CNC open platform in consideration of the specialty ofthe EDM. 针对电火花的加工特点,在华中开放式数控平台上构建出电火花加工数控系统。
- Shanghai Haohua Technology Co., Ltd., Composed of talents from abroad, is an open platform for production and development of high-tech products. 上海昊华科技有限公司是由归国学人组成的开放型高科技产品生产研制平台。
- The tidal flats include dolomitic flat, limemud flat and dolomitic-limemud flat, whereas the open platform mainly consists of grain banks and reefs. 其中,潮坪环境包括云坪、灰坪、灰云坪等,而开阔台地环境为各种颗粒滩和生物礁。环境的演化反映了从早到晚海水逐渐加深的过程。
- With the small rooms placed in the back, the social areas of the house stand out as an open platform crisscrossed by sliding glass. 一些辅助用房被设置在北面,南面则留出功能房间,通过滑动玻璃的开合,这些房间跟室外平台连接成为更大的交流活动空间。
- NKC intends to provide an open platform for people to learn Kendo and to make friends in this big family. We are look forward for your joining. 俱乐部旨在提供一个开放交流的平台,学习剑道的同时也可以结交到这个大家庭里的朋友。我们期待您的加入。
- The shoal and patch reef sub-facies in territorial seawater shallowing open platform facies are developed in Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation. 中奥陶统一间房组沉积时期为区域性的海水变浅的开阔台地浅滩夹点礁沉积。
- Therefore, MYOP has big potential to become a very important open platform for developers, let’s see what will happen three month later. 因此, myop已大的潜力,成为一个非常重要的开放平台,为开发商,让我们看看会发生什么事三个月后。
- Li regains believed that the browser is an open platform, is the exploiter and the cloud computation the dialog best platform. 李开复认为,浏览器是一个开放的平台,是开发者与“云计算”对话的最好平台。
- Xing Ming says, skyline near future elects a series of act such as open platform and financing, catch up with city does not have a relation. 邢明称,天边近期推开放平台以及融资等一系列举措,跟上市没有关系。
- IBM Lotus Workplace is a new innovation for collaboration and human interaction that uses a single, open platform to integrate people with business processes. IBM Lotus Workplace是协作的一项新革新,是使用单点、开放平台将人集成到商业流程中的人力接口。
- Hongkong Post signed with Visa International, a Memorandum of Understanding for the development of a Hongkong Post e-Cert enabled multi-application smart card using Open Platform. 香港邮政全与球最具规模的支付系统Visa国际组织签订谅解备忘录,缔结策略性合作关系,联手开发香港邮政电子核证开放平台多用途智能卡。
- These lithofacies consist offive kinds of lithofacies asso(ations: restricted platform,open platform, platform shoal,platform reef, neritic shelf factes associations. 它们形成了局限台地相、开阔台地相、台地滩相、台地礁相、浅海陆棚相等5种岩相组合。
- The Miaohetype biotas occur in the black shale and siliceous shale in the transitional areas from the late open platform facies to deep-water shelf-bathyal facies. 陡山沱晚期,自北西向南东可大致分为开阔台地相区和深水陆棚-次深海相区。