- open education mode 开放教育模式
- Didactical mode towards the network learning in the TV University, especially the long-distance and open education. 在这样的时代背景下,广播电视大学目前的教学模式也开始向着网络学习发展,尤其是广播电视大学的远程教育和开放教育。
- Modern Open &Distance Education is a education mode different from the common university education mode,which rely on student independence study. 远程开放教育是以学生自主学习为主的教育模式,它与普通高校的教育模式有着根本的区别。
- Under the modern open education condition, teaching mode must be constructed from macroscopic, midscopic and microscopic aspects. 摘要现代开放教育条件下,教学模式的构建,必须从宏观、中观和微观三个层面进行。
- That Shanxi TV University sums up a teaching mode of Six in One probes into new way for the development of open education. 山西电大总结出的“六位一体”的教学运行模式,为开放教育的健康发展探索了一条新路。
- The guiding learning attendant plays an important role in organizing management, guiding learning, and a tie in the teaching mode of open education. 导学员在开放教育教学模式运行中体现出对学员的组织管理作用、学习引导作用及教学运行中的桥梁作用。
- Curriculum formative assessment is an important part of the teaching quality assurance system in the teaching mode of modern distance and open education. 摘要课程形成性考核,是现代远程开放教育教学模式中教学质量保证体系的重要组成部分。
- The "One network and two learning" mode of teaching is the crystallization of the education reform and innovation on open education of Hubei TV &R university. 摘要“一网双学”教学模式是湖北电大开放教育改革和创新的结晶。
- This paper discusses and systemizes the character,principle,task,and mode of the learning guidance for open education according to the need of the guidance for learners. 文章根据目前开放教育导学工作的实践需要,对开放教育导学的特点、原则、任务、方式等问题进行了初步的探讨与梳理。
- Good, perhaps is their educational mode not with mine appetite. 好吧,或许是他们的教育方式不和我的胃口。
- This article discussed the essentiality in reinforcing practical teaching and furthur probed into the question of how to implement practical teaching under the mode of distance open education in TVU. 本文论述了加强实践教学的必要性,针对电大目前实践教学的现状,探讨了在电大远程开放教学模式下机电专业实践教学的实施途径。
- Second, I will construe the western knowledge which taken into by the missionaries, then discuss the idiosyncracy of this education mode. 其次分析西学的涌入,及士大夫提出的“中体西用”这一近代教育的特质;
- The first part is to straightly propose the connotation and basic features of the classified undergraduate jurisprudential education mode . 第一部分开篇明义地提出法学本科分类培养模式的涵义及基本特征;
- In virtuously teach can adopt science, reasonable, valid morals education mode to promote high school student the morals growth is very important. 在德育中能否采用科学、合理、有效的道德教育模式促进中学生道德成长十分重要。
- The modern open education is along with modern technical development but out put kind of new education form. 摘要现代远程开放教育是随着现代化技术的发展而产生的一种新型教育形式。
- The setup of Professional Degree varied the graduate education mode, provided a new way to cultivate compensative human resource. 专业学位的设置改变了我国单一的研究生培养模式,成为我国培养复合应用型高级专门人才的重要途径。
- Centered on the learners, constructivism theory meets the need of developing modern distance and open education. 强调以学习者为中心的建构主义理论满足了现代远程开放教育发展的需要。
- Objective To discuss the effect of improved health education mode on the prevention of uroschesis after hemorrhoid fistula operation. 目的探讨改良的健康教育模式对预防痔瘘术后尿潴留的作用。
- At the end the paper sums up the adult learners’ SALL abilities in English under distance and open education: 1. 总结出远程开放教育条件下成人英语自主学习能力主要有1、确定学习目标的能力;
- The assurance of quality in the development of modem distance open education is a serious problem. 摘要现代远程开放教育的发展为其质量的保证提出了一个严肃的问题。