- increase the number of open border ports; 增加边境开放口岸;
- Israel and Jordan decided to open up the Great Hussein Bridge in the northern part of the common border between the two countries becoming the second border port between the two countries. 以色列和约旦决定开通两国共同边界北段的侯赛因大桥作为两国间第二个边界口岸。
- Ukraine and Poland to adopt more open border crossing policy as soon as Poland becomes Schengen member. 一旦波兰变成申根会员国,乌克兰和波兰将采取更开放的边界政策。
- Take prompt measures to improve sanitary conditions at the border port or on the conveyance as suggested by the sanitary supervisors. 按照卫生监督员的建议,对国境口岸和交通工具的卫生状况及时采取改进措施。
- Egyptian authorities view the open border as a security risk and want to reach a solution as quickly as possible. 埃及政府认为,开放边界会造成安全上的风险,并且希望各方能尽快达成解决办法。
- At same time, Manzhouli border port also became an important window about district economic relations among china and Russia. 虽然,满洲里开展的对俄罗斯经贸合作规模有限,但有其自身发展运动规律和鲜明的区域特征。
- I live in Hungary, and whenever I travel to Austria I marvel at the open border. 我居住在匈牙利,当我旅行来到奥地利,我被开放的边境所折服。
- When the health and quarantine organ sets up a monitoring post for epidemic diseases at the border port, the units concerned are required to offer conveniences. 第一百零三条卫生检疫机关在国境口岸内设立传染病监测点时,有关单位应当给予协助并提供方便。
- To creating the recipe of legend time and again, ji Qi is wraparound for " I very be good at building up from nothing, open border develop land " . 对于屡屡创造传奇的秘诀,季琦概括为“我很擅长白手起家、开疆拓土”。
- Garbage, waste water, sewage, and excrement must be disposed after innocuous treatment in order to keep the environment at the border port clean and tidy. 国境口岸的垃圾、废物、污水、粪便必须进行无害化处理,保持国境口岸环境整洁卫生。
- Officials at the border say they are working to strike a balance, extending security while maintaining an open border with Canada. 边防官员表示他们努力维系一个均衡,在提升安全的同时也保持对加拿大开放边境。
- The entry-exit inspection and quarantine departments shall be in charge of AIDS monitoring over people entering and leaving the territory of China and people concerned at the border ports. 出入境检验检疫机构负责对出入境人员及国境口岸相关人员实施艾滋病监测工作。
- The European Union external relations commissioner, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, urged Israel to allow shipments of fuel and medicine, and to open border crossings. 欧盟负责对外关系的专员瓦尔德纳敦促以色列准许向加沙地带运送燃料和药物,开放边界通道。
- Israel and Jordan decide to open up a second border port 以约决定开通第二个边界口岸
- The rise and fall between the Bordering ports in the modern times had a lot of reasons. 摘要近代许多位里相邻的港口因诸种原因而发生中心地位转移。
- Face the temptation of the market, chinese software company also is acting actively, with clinking tough and clinging open border enlarge land, create hard those who belong to oneself is brilliant. 面对市场的诱惑,中国软件企业也在积极行动,以无比的坚韧和执著开疆扩土,努力创造属于自己的辉煌。
- Sanitation Requirements at Border Ports 国境口岸的卫生要求
- But Hamas says it will not stop the rocket fire and other attacks unless Israel opens border crossings into Gaza and lifts its crippling blockade. 但是哈马斯说,如果以色列不开放进入加沙的边界过境点,不解除严重损害加沙的封锁,他们就不会停止火箭和其它袭击。
- The principles of consultation, co-operation and open borders within the EU have helped to repress the old, nationalist demons. 欧盟内部协商、合作和开放边境的原则对过去的民族主义恶魔起到了约束作用。
- Study on the opening borders and the development of Xinjiang economy II. 沿边开放与新疆经济发展研究2。