- A metal band around the bale of cotton. 捆绕棉包的金属带
- A graceful, elegantly-formed young man stood by her, carelessly leaning one elbow on a bale of cotton. 她身边站着一位文雅、大方、仪表俊秀的年青人,一只手肘潇洒地靠在棉花包上。
- I sat on a bale of straw near the fire. 我坐在炉火边的一捆稻草上。
- Enclosed please find an invoice for 100 bale of cotton fabric. 随函附上棉布100包发货票一份。
- The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed. It was a bed to end all beds, almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay. 我和雅克住的房间虽大,但是一张巨大的、铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来。那床巨大无比,简直和网球场一样大,像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那般厚实。
- By the same vessel, I have consigned twenty bales of cotton to you for sale. 我们已利用同一货轮,寄出20包棉花请贵公司代销。
- The floor was stacked high with bales of cotton. 地板上高高地堆放着许多包棉花。
- Please send 100 bale of cotton, marked 1/100, by rail to our address. 请将100包棉花,通过铁路运交本公司,并标注唛头1/100。
- By the same vessel, I have consign twenty bale of cotton to you for sale. 我们已利用同一货轮,寄出20包棉花请贵公司代销。
- They have just got off five hundred bales of cotton. 他们刚脱售了五百包棉纱。
- a bale of cotton yarn 一包棉纱
- The firm puts out 1000 bales of cotton sheeting every week. 这家公司每周生产出1000包棉质被单布。
- Mixed Packed Bale: a bale containing a certain amount of different grades, staples or colors of cotton. 混杂棉包:单个棉包中含有一定数量不同品级、同长度或不同颜色类型的棉花。
- Agreeably to your request, we have send you, through messrs. yamada* co.,40 bales of cotton. 依照您的要求,我们已通过山田公司向您发去40包棉花。
- Why don't we crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate? 我们何不开瓶香槟酒庆祝一下呢?
- a bale of cotton 一大包棉花
- In this plant, 500 bales of cotton are in the warehouse. 该厂库内存有500包棉花。
- Please open a window to allow the air to circulate. 打开窗子让空气流通。
- According to your Instructions , we have make a purchase of 100 bale of cotton at the low price of 2/ - per 1b . 按贵公司指示,我们已以每磅2先令的低价,购入棉花100包。
- You may open a current account at a bank. 你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。