- According to Marx, the ontological dimension is original and these two dimensions are based on praxis. 其中本体论维度是始源性的,而这两个维度统一在实践的基础上。
- This paper argues that Marx's concept of subjectivity has two different dimensions: the ontological dimension and the epistemological dimension. 本文认为,马克思的主体性概念有两个维度,即本体论维度和认识论维度。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- ontological dimension 本体论维度
- There is a dimension to the problem that we have not discussed. 这问题还有一方面我们没讨论过。
- Inspection machining dimension of rudder pintle. 舵销机加工尺寸检查。
- The measure or dimension from side to side; width. 宽度,幅度从一边到另一边的尺寸或范围;宽度
- Then ascension towards another dimension can begin. 之后提升到另一维度才能开始。
- Dimension A, center of valve port to floor level. 尺寸A,阀门端口中心至地面的距离。
- There is another dimension you haven't mentioned. 这个问题还有一个方面你没提到。
- There is another dimension to this problem which you haven't considered. 这个问题还有你尚未考虑到的另一个方面。
- Many of the plants grew to magnificent dimension. 许多植物长到惊人的大校
- A standard dimension, quantity, or capacity. 尺度,标准标准的体积、数量或容积
- Title: Ontological Semantic Integration Model Degree: M.S. 本体语义集成模型。
- Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism? 现代混沌学为“本体非决定论”提供了科学证据吗?
- The dimension for speed is length divided by time. 速度是长度除以时间。
- Questioning closely means existential ontological questing. 追问乃是对生存本体论的寻求。
- Length is one dimension, and breadth is another. 长是一种度量, 宽又是另一种度量。
- Her job added a new dimension to her life. 她的工作为她的生活增添了新的内容。
- In Dimension Z, there are strange moments. 在零度空间中常有奇异的时刻。