- any of two or three large heavy-bodied lizards; only known venomous lizards. 两三种身体笨重的大型蜥蜴;唯一知道的毒蜥。
- only known venomous lizards. 已知仅有的有毒蜥蜴。
- In this instance, the only known is our actual profit margin. 在这种场合下,唯一能知道的事是我们实际可得的利润
- Previously, scientists had estimated that there were only 200 venomous fish. The new additions double the number of known venomous vertebrates to more than 2,000 species. 先前;科学家们估计只有200种有毒鱼类.;新追加的种类使有毒类脊椎动物的数量超过了2000种
- If I'd only known,I would never have gone away. 如果我知道,我绝不会离开你。
- She's only known the guy for a month. 她认识那家伙只有一个月。
- A venomous lizard (Heloderma suspectum) of arid regions of the southwest United States and western Mexico, having black and orange or yellow scales. 希拉毒蜥:生活在美国西南部和墨西哥的西部干燥地区的一种毒蜥蜴(毒蜥科钝尾毒蜥),长有黑色和桔色相间的鳞片或黄色鳞片
- I only know how to do the underarm serve. 我只知如何用低臂式发球。
- The 17 inch long lizards were born without being fertilized by a male dragon.They are the only known Komodo`s born in the United States without fertilization. 据悉,这只17英寸长的小家伙是美国首只未经过雄蜥蜴受精而生出的巨蜥。
- If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith. 如果我只有知识,我一生可能只是个锁匠。
- For four days we staked out the only known site. 四天的时间里,我们用木桩标出了唯一的已知位置。
- Joao is still only known by a few fortuned persons. Joao目前仍为少数幸运的人所知。
- FAITH is the only known antidote for FAILURE! 信心是失意落魄的唯一解毒验方。
- You only know how to kill time,lazy boy. 懒小子,你只知道如何消磨时光。
- Previously, scientists had estimated that there were only200 venomous fish. The new additions double the number of known venomous vertebrates to more than2,000 species. 先前;科学家们估计只有200种有毒鱼类.;新追加的种类使有毒类脊椎动物的数量超过了2000种
- I think I could,if I only know how to begin. 我想自己可以,只要知道方法就行了。
- I only know of one case in which this has happened. 我只听说过一件这样的事。
- Toxic effect of bite of venomous lizard 毒蜥咬伤毒性作用
- You only know how to kill time, lazy boy. 懒小子,你只知道如何消磨时光。
- They only know to make laughingstock. 他们只知道作笑柄。